# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [UNRELEASED] ### Added - Configuration variables can be assigned values of other variables with the `&=` assignment. This allows a single value to be re-used dynamically, rather than having to explicitly set the same value several times. - A `zap` command has been added to remove a playbook from the registry without running the playbook's `playbook_del()` function. This is intended to easily remove registry entries when a playbook itself has been deleted or is otherwise broken in a way that the regular `del` subcommand cannot fix. ### Changed - The `description.txt` is now allowed to be used without the `.txt` suffix. Usage with the `.txt` suffix continues to be supported as well. ### Fixed - Passing an empty string as default value to `config` should now properly return an empty string without a warning about the configuration key not existing. ## [2.0.2] - 2024-02-28 ### Fixed - Configuration values with `=` in their value part should now work properly with `file_template`. Keys with `=` in them are still *not supported*. ## [2.0.1] - 2023-09-25 ### Added - A new `make` target has been added to build a .tar.gz distributable. ### Changed - The `svc_` utils should now check which init service you're using when using a linux system. The supported options are still only openrc and systemd. - The `pull` subcommand should now properly return with exit-code 0 if no problem were encountered. ## [2.0.0] - 2023-05-22 ### Added - The `var` subcommand is now referenced in `usage()`. - A `pkg` subcommand has been added, to allow for direct interaction with the `pkg_*()` utilities provided by Bashtard. - `config_subkeys()` and `config_subkeys_for` have been added, to look up subkeys defined in config files. These can help when you want to use a list somewhere in your configuration. - A `backup` subcommand has been added. This backup system uses borg, which must be installed, but should be generic enough to be usable by most people out of the box. - The `Makefile` has been extended with targets for creating packages for GNU+Linux distributions. - The `$BASHTARD_PLATFORM` variable now contains an additional entry, `init`, to allow for handling different init systems on GNU+Linux in a cleaner fashion. - A `file_hash` utility function has been added. It currently uses `md5`, but is written in such a fashion that this can easily be updated for the future. Its intent is to encapsulate differences between naming and usage of hashing utilities found on different systems. - A `dir_hash` utility function has been added, which will give you a hash based on the file contents of a directory. This function will find files recursively, calculate a hash for each of them, and then calculate a hash based on the total result. The intended goal is to allow running before and after templating some files, to deduce whether something actually changed. - A `diff` subcommand has been added to show all non-committed changes. It is a convenience wrapper to avoid having to change directory and run `git diff` to get an overview of all pending changes. - A `pull` subcommand has been added to only pull the latest changes into the `$BASHTARD_ETCDIR`, without running `sync` on all the playbooks. - A new global variable, `$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK_VARS` has been added. Currently, its only purpose is to check for "required" variables to be used in the playbook. Before an `add` or `sync`, any variables declared to be `required` in the `$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK_VARS` array will be checked to be non-empty. If any are empty, an error will be thrown and the playbook will not be ran. - A new directory has been added, `data.d`, for data that should be shared between playbook runs. This new directory is intended to create a clearer seperation between a playbook and a user's specific data used by the playbook, which in turn should make re-using playbooks easier. - A convenience function has been introduced, `playbook_path()`, which can give you the absolute path to the playbook's base or data directory. - A `top` subcommand has been added to give some generic information of all nodes known to Bashtard. It uses information from the `sysinfo` subcommand, which it will pull in through an `ssh` invocation. ### Changed - The `ssh` subcommand's configuration has been nested under `bashtard`, e.g. `ssh.host` is now `bashtard.ssh.host`. It should also be correctly using this value for establishing the SSH connection. - `svc_enable()` now checks for the `rc.d` file to exist before running `grep` on it. - `pkg_*()` functions no longer _require_ a `pkg.*` value to be defined. If one is not set explicitly, a warning will be generated, but the original name passed to the `pkg_*()` function will be used by the host's package manager. - `datetime()` now always passes `-u` on to `date`. - All manpages now include a `NAME` section. - The `sync` subcomman will now `stash` any changes before it attempts to `pull`. Afterwards, `stash pop` will be ran to apply the last `stash`ed changes again. ## [1.0.0] - 2022-05-06 Initial release.