#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Patrick Spek # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # shellcheck source=lib/util.bash source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/util.bash" # shellcheck source=lib/logging.bash source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/logging.bash" main() { debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Running from $BASHTARD_LIBDIR" debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Configuration dir is at $BASHTARD_ETCDIR" debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "> $0 $*" [[ -z $1 ]] && usage && exit 2 export BASHTARD_COMMAND="$1" ; shift debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Handling subcommand '$BASHTARD_COMMAND'" subcommand_src="$BASHTARD_LIBDIR/subcommands/$BASHTARD_COMMAND.bash" debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Checking $subcommand_src" if [[ ! -f $subcommand_src ]] then debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "No script found to handle action, showing usage" usage exit 2 fi # Declare some global variables declare -A BASHTARD_PLATFORM declare -A BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK_VARS # Figure out system details debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Discovering system information" discover_system # Export BASHTARD_ variables export BASHTARD_PLATFORM export BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK_VARS # Source the file defining the subcommand. debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Sourcing $subcommand_src" source "$subcommand_src" # Maintain our own tempdir export TMPDIR="$BASEDIR/tmp/$RANDOM" mkdir -p -- "$TMPDIR" debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "\$TMPDIR set to $TMPDIR" # Actually perform the subcommand debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Running subcommand '$BASHTARD_COMMAND'" subcommand "$@" local subcommand_exit=$? # Clean up if necessary if [[ -z $BASHTARD_MESSY ]] then debug "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Cleaning up tempfiles at $TMPDIR" rm -rf -- "$TMPDIR" fi ## Use the subcommand's exit code exit $subcommand_exit } usage() { local playbooks local playbook_length local playbook_longest=0 cat < $BASHTARD_NAME del $BASHTARD_NAME diff $BASHTARD_NAME init [repository] $BASHTARD_NAME pkg $BASHTARD_NAME pull $BASHTARD_NAME ssh $BASHTARD_NAME sync [playbook] $BASHTARD_NAME sysinfo $BASHTARD_NAME top $BASHTARD_NAME var [-p ] $BASHTARD_NAME var [-s] $BASHTARD_NAME zap Perform maintenance on your infra. Commands: add Add a configuration playbook to this machine. del Remove a configuration playbook from this machine. diff Show a diff of all uncommitted changes. init Initialize the $BASHTARD_NAME configuration system. pkg Interface into the pkg abstraction used by $BASHTARD_NAME. pull Pull the latest changes through git. ssh Run a given command on all known hosts. sync Pull latest changes through git, and synchronize all added playbooks. sysinfo Show gathered information about this system. top Show resource information about all known hosts. var Show or set the value of a given configuration key. zap Remove a playbook from the registry without attempting to run the delete step from the playbook. EOF if [[ ! -d "$BASHTARD_ETCDIR/playbooks.d" ]] then return 0 fi printf "\nPlaybooks:\n" # Find all playbooks mapfile -t playbooks < <(find \ "$BASHTARD_ETCDIR/playbooks.d"/* \ -maxdepth 0 \ -type d \ ) # Find longest playbook name for playbook in "${playbooks[@]}" do playbook_length="$(printf "%s" "$(basename "$playbook")" | wc -c)" if (( playbook_longest < playbook_length )) then playbook_longest=$playbook_length fi done # Render playbook descriptions for playbook in "${playbooks[@]}" do printf "\t%-${playbook_longest}s %s\n" \ "$(basename "$playbook")" \ "$(cat "$playbook/description.txt")" done } # Discover information about the system. If any bugs are reported and you want # more information about the system the user is running on, additional checks # can be added here, and the user will simply have to include the output of the # sysinfo command in their message to you. discover_system() { BASHTARD_PLATFORM["os"]="$(discover_system_os)" BASHTARD_PLATFORM["arch"]="$(discover_system_arch)" BASHTARD_PLATFORM["version"]="$(discover_system_version)" BASHTARD_PLATFORM["term"]="$TERM" BASHTARD_PLATFORM["fqdn"]="$(hostname -f)" BASHTARD_PLATFORM["init"]="$(discover_system_init)" # When on a Linux-using OS, check for the specific distribution in use. if [[ ${BASHTARD_PLATFORM[os]} == *"linux"* ]] then BASHTARD_PLATFORM["distro"]="$(discover_system_distro)" fi BASHTARD_PLATFORM[key]="$(discover_system_key)" } discover_system_arch() { uname -m } discover_system_distro() { if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]] then ( source /etc/os-release printf "%s" "$NAME" \ | awk '{print tolower($0)}' \ | sed 's@[/+ ]@_@g' ) return fi crit "No /etc/os-release found. Are you sure you're on a sane GNU+Linux distribution?" if command -v pacman > /dev/null then warn "$BASHTARD_NAME/main" "Found pacman, assuming Archlinux as distro." printf "%s" "archlinux" return fi } discover_system_init() { local sbin_init # Differing init systems seems to only be a thing on GNU+Linux if [[ ${BASHTARD_PLATFORM["os"]} != "linux" ]] then return fi sbin_init="$(readlink -f "/sbin/init" | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }')" # If /sbin/init is a symlink, it will point us towards the right thing if [[ $sbin_init != "init" ]] then printf "%s" "$sbin_init" return fi # Otherwise we try out /etc/inittab if [[ -f "/etc/inittab" ]] then awk -F: '/^rc:/ { print $4 }' /etc/inittab \ | awk '{ print $1 }' \ | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' return fi # If we can't figure it out, show a warning warn "$BASHTARD_NAME/util" "Can't figure out system init" } discover_system_key() { local key # shellcheck disable=SC2031 key+="${BASHTARD_PLATFORM[os]}" if [[ ${BASHTARD_PLATFORM[distro]} ]] then key+="-${BASHTARD_PLATFORM[distro]}" fi printf "%s" "$key" } discover_system_os() { if command -v uname > /dev/null then printf "%s" "$(uname -s | awk '{print tolower($0)}' | sed 's@[/+ ]@_@g')" return fi } discover_system_version() { printf "%s" "$(uname -r | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" } main "$@"