bashtard(1) # NAME bashtard - A Bash-based configuration management utility # SYNOPSIS *bashtard* -h++ *bashtard* add <_playbook_>++ *bashtard* bootstrap [_repository_]++ *bashtard* del <_playbook_>++ *bashtard* ssh <_command_>++ *bashtard* sync [_playbook_]++ *bashtard* sysinfo # DESCRIPTION *bashtard* is a relatively simple Bash-based utility, providing just enough abstractions over certain OS-specific tools to allow you to write generic configuration and maintenance scripts, known as *playbooks*. # SEE ALSO - _bashtard(3)_ -- Functions and variables exposed by *bashtard* for use in playbooks - _bashtard(5)_ -- Configuration files and formats used by *bashtard* - _bashtard(7)_ -- Filesystem layout for /etc/bashtard - _playbooks.d(7)_ -- Filesystem layout for /etc/bashtard/playbooks.d