bashtard(3) ; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Patrick Spek ; SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # NAME bashtard - A Bash-based configuration management utility # INTRODUCTION When writing a *playbook*, you will want to know of the variables and functions exposed by *bashtard*, so that you can actually write OS-agnostic installation and maintenance scripts. # VARIABLES These are the variables which are supported by *bashtard* for use in *playbooks*. There are more *$BASHTARD_* variables, but these are intended for internal use only, and should thus *NOT* be relied on in *playbooks*. ## BASHTARD_BIN The absolute path to the *bashtard* binary. ## BASHTARD_PLATFORM The *$BASHTARD_PLATFORM* variable contains all sorts of information about the platform it is currently running on. It is an array with the following keys: - arch -- The name of the architecture - distro -- The name of the GNU+Linux distribution, if any - fqdn -- The fully-qualified domain name of the machine - key -- A "key" to uniquely identify the OS - os -- The name of the OS - term -- The name of the current-running terminal - version -- The release version of the OS, if any These can be used to handle edge-cases when trying to configure things, though with abstractions like _pkg_ and _svc_, you shouldn't need these directly. The *key* of the *$BASHTARD_PLATFORM* array is used to find the right configuration file in *os.d* for configuration value resolution. Refer to _bashtard(5)_ for more information on this. ## BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK The name of the currently running playbook. # FUNCTIONS ## config $key The *config()* function lets you retrieve a particular config value based on the given _key_. Refer to _bashtard(5)_ for more information about configuration value resolution. ## file_template $template [$var ...] The *file_template()* function lets you perform simple templating on a file. There is no logic, only very simple substitution through the power of *sed*. You can specify any number of _var_ arguments as key=value pairs, which will be substituted in the template file. In the template, you can specify these as _${key}_. The templates will be looked for in the *share* directory inside the playbook directory. ## pkg $action $pkg The *pkg()* function abstracts away the running system's package manager, allowing you to write more OS-agnostic playbooks. The _action_ can be either *install* or *uninstall*. The actual package name which will be installed will be looked up through *config()*, in the form of _pkg.$pkg_. For instance, if you call *pkg install nginx*, the *pkg()* function will try to resolve the *pkg.nginx*, and install whichever value it came up with. These are generally defined in the *os.d* of a *playbook*, to handle situations where certain systems name their packages differently. ## svc $action $svc The *svc()* function abstracts away the running system's service manager, allowing you to write more OS-agnostic playbooks. The _action_ can be one of the following: - *disable* - *enable* - *start* - *stop* - *reload* - *restart* The actual service name which will be acted upon will be looked up through *config()*, in the form of _svc.$svc_, much like with the *pkg()* function. ## tmpfile The *tmpfile()* function lets you create temporary files as needed. It does not take an argument, and returns you a path for a temporary file to which you can write. Cleanup will be done automatically after *bashtard* exits.