path: root/_posts/2018-09-14-hackerrank-solutions-python3-and-perl6-part-2.html
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authortyil <>2018-10-11 06:01:24 +0000
committertyil <>2018-10-11 06:01:24 +0000
commit4961b882d1c905f4494efba77efa004b47c853a6 (patch)
treeca4f78d6294d9819644adf28954706e75788e137 /_posts/2018-09-14-hackerrank-solutions-python3-and-perl6-part-2.html
parente9365b34190c4a3c54385f963efcf56ecd705112 (diff)
parent5f931a9e6dc2b01da8ca26caedbcbbcc0fd5693a (diff)
Merge branch 'hackerrank-2' into 'master'
Hackerrank solutions: Python 3 and Perl 6 (part 2) See merge request tyil/blog!3
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+title: "Hackerrank solutions: Python 3 and Perl 6 (part 2)"
+layout: language-war
+tags: Hackerrank Perl6 Python3 Programming Comparison
+description: >
+ A number of solutions to Hackerrank challenges in both the Python 3 and the
+ Perl 6 programming languages. This is the second part of the series, and will
+ work through the subdomain of Strings.
+{% markdown %}
+# Hackerrank solutions: Python 3 and Perl 6 (part 2)
+{% endmarkdown %}
+{% markdown %}
+As a continuation of the [previous
+part](/post/2018/09/13/hackerrank-solutions-python3-and-perl6-part-1/) of this
+series, I will be continuing to work through some Hackerrank challenges for
+Python 3, and compare the solutions to how I would solve them in a language I'm
+more proficient in, Perl 6. In this post, I will work through some of the
+Python 3 string challenges from Hackerrank.
+Raiph [posted a comment on
+suggesting a slightly different layout, which I will be using for this post.
+Additional comments are always welcome as I try to improve the format.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+{% admonition_md Disclaimer %}
+Due to some comments I had on the previous article, I want to make some
+additional constraints I adhere to personally clear.
+I don't want to make use of `import` (or `use` for Perl 6) statements if these
+were not provided in the challenge template themselves. I do this because I
+want to stick to the challenges as closely as possible. Another reason is
+because it would invite all sorts of discussion that I could've used any module
+for it, and then discuss which module would've solved it best.
+{% endadmonition_md %}
+{% markdown %}
+## Challenges
+{% endmarkdown %}
+<div class="language-war">
+ <div class="language-announcer">
+{% markdown %}
+### String Split and Join
+This challenge involves a string containing spaces, where the spaces are to be
+replaced with dashes (`-`) instead.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-arena">
+ <div class="language-challenger">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight python3 tio= %}
+def split_and_join(line):
+ return "-".join(line.split(" "))
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+I personally am not too fond that `join` takes a list of words to join
+together, whereas `split` takes a word to split with. It feels a little
+inconsistent. It also doesn't allow me to read the code logically from left to
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-defender">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight perl6 tio= %}
+sub split-and-join ($line) {
+ $line.split(" ").join("-")
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+The Perl 6 solution to the challenge does the same as the Python variant. Even
+the function names are the same! The biggest difference is that I can chain the
+functions from left to right, leading to clearer code.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-announcer">
+{% markdown %}
+### What's Your Name?
+The next challenge is a simply string formatting task. You get two inputs, a
+first name and a last name, and have to put it in a string which will be
+printed to `STDOUT`.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-arena">
+ <div class="language-challenger">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight python3 tio= %}
+def print_full_name(a, b):
+ print("Hello %s %s! You just delved into python." % (a, b))
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+Before you begin, I know this can be done using `f""` strings, and that was my
+first attempt to use as well. However, Hackerrank did not accept this,
+complaining about invalid syntax, so I assume they're running an older Python 3
+than I do.
+That said, this is a simple `printf` formatted string, which then accepts a
+tuple of parameters to put into the string. `printf` formatted string are very
+powerful in their possibilities, and it's clear to read.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-defender">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight perl6 tio= %}
+sub print-full-name($a, $b) {
+ say "Hello $a $b! You just delved into Perl 6."
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+Perl 6 has double-quote semantics that many people may be familiar with from
+other languages. When you insert a variable in a double-quoted string, it's
+`.Str` value will be used. That is to say, the value will be converted to a
+`Str` if required, and then put into the string.
+If you need it or want it for clarity, you can also use `"Hello {$a}"` in Perl
+6, allowing you to use it similarly to Python 3's `f""` strings.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-announcer">
+{% markdown %}
+### Mutations
+You are given a string _string_, an integer _position_ and a character
+_character_. In _string_, replace the character at _position_ to the given
+_character_. The position is counted from starting point 0, so I don't have to
+think about differences between what a human or computer considers to be
+position 1 in a string.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-arena">
+ <div class="language-challenger">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight python3 tio= %}
+def mutate_string(string, position, character):
+ chars = list(string)
+ chars[position] = character
+ return "".join(chars)
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+This is basically what the example showed as well that came with the challenge,
+so wasn't too hard to solve. My only complaint was that I couldn't call my list
+"list", because that's a reserved keyword.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-defender">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight perl6 tio= %}
+sub mutate-string ($string, $position, $character) {
+ my @list = $string.comb;
+ @list[$position] = $character;
+ @list.join;
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+The Perl 6 variant does the same things as the Python variant. `comb` without
+parameters converts a string to a list of characters, and `join` without
+parameters joins a list together to a string.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-announcer">
+{% markdown %}
+### Find a String
+In the following challenge you are given a string _string_, and a substring
+_sub\_string_. The challenge is to find how often a substring occurs in the
+_string_. The substrings may overlap one another, so the string `"ABCDCDC"`
+contains the substring `"CDC"` twice.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-arena">
+ <div class="language-challenger">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight python3 tio= %}
+def count_substring(string, sub_string):
+ count = 0
+ for i in range(0, len(string)):
+ if string[i:i + len(sub_string)] == sub_string:
+ count += 1
+ return count
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+As solution to this challenge I loop through the entire _string_, and check
+whether it contains the _sub\_string_ at that point. If it does, I increment
+_count_ by 1. Now, I learned that Python also has the inline `if`, just like
+Perl 6 does, however, it also *needs* an `else` block. That put me off from
+using it in this situation. I think it puts me off from using it in most
+situations, actually. With an `else` coming after it, it just becomes messy to
+read, in my opinion.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-defender">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight perl6 tio= %}
+sub count-substring ($string, $sub-string) {
+ my $count = 0;
+ for ^$string.chars {
+ $count++ if $string.substr($_, $sub-string.chars) eq $sub-string;
+ }
+ $count;
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+The Perl 6 solution has no special gimmicks compared to the Python version, it
+also loops through the _string_ and looks for a match on the _sub\_string_ on
+each location. One of the differences you can see is that I use `.chars` as a
+method on the strings. This returns the number of characters found in a string,
+and is actually aware of Unicode graphemes, unlike Python's `len` function.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-announcer">
+{% markdown %}
+### String Validators
+In the following challenge, the program is given a string _s_, and have to
+validate a number of properties on this string. These are, in order, whether
+they contain
+- alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z or 0-9),
+- alphabetic characters (a-z or A-Z),
+- digits (0-9),
+- lowercase characters (a-z),
+- uppercase characters (A-Z).
+If any character in the given string passes a validation, it must print
+`"True"`, otherwise it must print `"False"`.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-arena">
+ <div class="language-challenger">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight python3 tio= %}
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ s = input()
+ checks = {
+ "alnum": False,
+ "alpha": False,
+ "digit": False,
+ "lower": False,
+ "upper": False
+ }
+ for char in list(s):
+ if not checks["alnum"] and char.isalnum():
+ checks["alnum"] = True
+ if not checks["alpha"] and char.isalpha():
+ checks["alpha"] = True
+ if not checks["digit"] and char.isdigit():
+ checks["digit"] = True
+ if not checks["lower"] and char.islower():
+ checks["lower"] = True
+ if not checks["upper"] and char.isupper():
+ checks["upper"] = True
+ keys = list(checks.keys())
+ keys.sort()
+ for key in keys:
+ print(checks[key])
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+As stated in the disclaimer, I don't want to make use of any `import`
+statements unless these are explicitly given in the original challenges. This
+means I can't use regexes, as these are stuffed away in the `re` packages in
+Python. Luckily, Python has the correct check available as a method on the
+string object, so I can still check them in a single line.
+I first tried to call the methods on _s_ directly, but this seemed to require
+the entire string to match the check, instead of just any character in the
+string. So I had to loop through the string by character, which I did. If any
+character is found to validate, the appropriate key in the _checks_ dict will
+be set to `True`. Once I've walked through the entire string, I sort the _keys_
+from _checks_ so I can be sure they're printed in the right order.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-defender">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight perl6
+tio= %}
+sub MAIN {
+ my $s = $*IN.get;
+ say so $s ~~ /<alnum>/;
+ say so $s ~~ /<alpha>/;
+ say so $s ~~ /<digit>/;
+ say so $s ~~ /<lower>/;
+ say so $s ~~ /<upper>/;
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+Perl 6 does have regexes available in the main namespace by default, so that
+made this challenge a lot easier to work with. `$*IN` in a special variable
+that refers to `STDIN`, and the `.slurp` method reads all remaining data from
+the buffer.
+The next 5 lines all do a `say`, which acts like `print` in Python 3. The `so`
+function coerces a value to become a `Bool`. When a `Bool` is given to `say`,
+it will be coerced to a string representation again, and become either `"True"`
+or `"False"`. The smartmatch operator `~~` has already been covered in the
+previous post, so I recommend you read that as well if you haven't yet.
+In Perl 6, regexes are (usually) delimited by the `/` character. The `<alnum>`,
+`<alpha>` etcetera parts are [predefined character classes][classes] in Perl 6
+regexes. These check for exactly what we need in the challenges, so were a good
+pick to solve them.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-announcer">
+{% markdown %}
+### Text Wrap
+You are given a string _s_ and a width _w_. The string should be split over
+multiple lines so it is never more wide than _w_.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-arena">
+ <div class="language-challenger">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight python3 tio= %}
+import textwrap
+def wrap(string, max_width):
+ return "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(string, max_width))
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+This challenge introduces the first Python module: `textwrap`. This makes the
+challenge very easy to solve as well, using the `wrap` function exposed by the
+module. This function makes a list of strings, each no longer than the given
+width. I then join these together with newlines to get the desired output.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-defender">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight perl6 tio= %}
+sub wrap ($string, $width) {
+ $string.comb($width).join("\n")
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+For the Perl 6 solution, I have not used an additional module, as all the
+functionality are in the core namespace. I actually made a module in Perl 6 for
+a less primitive wrapping functionality, called [`String::Fold`][string::fold].
+In this solution, I use `comb` with the `$width` argument. This returns a list
+of strings, each no longer than the given width, just like Python's
+`textwrap.wrap`. I can then join these together with newlines as well to get
+the same result.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-announcer">
+{% markdown %}
+### Designer Door Mat
+This challenge is more complex than previous challenges. The task at hand is to
+"draw" a certain "design" as the output. For the input, you are given both a
+height _y_ and a width _x_, however _x_ must always be _y_ × 3, so you can
+ignore the second argument.
+This one is much simpler to explain using two examples. The first example is
+the output if the input were `7 21`.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+{% highlight text %}
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% markdown %}
+In the second example, the input is `11 33`.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+{% highlight text %}
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-arena">
+ <div class="language-challenger">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight python3 tio= %}
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+height = int((input().split())[0])
+width = height * 3
+half = int((height - 1) / 2)
+# Top half
+for line in range(1, half + 1):
+ non_dashes = ((line * 2) - 1)
+ dashes = int((width - (non_dashes * 3)) / 2)
+ print("%s%s%s" % ("-" * dashes, ".|." * non_dashes, "-" * dashes))
+# Middle line
+print("%s%s%s" % (
+ "-" * (int(width / 2) - 3),
+ "-" * (int(width / 2) - 3)
+# Lower half
+for line in range(half, 0, -1):
+ non_dashes = ((line * 2) - 1)
+ dashes = int((width - (non_dashes * 3)) / 2)
+ print("%s%s%s" % ("-" * dashes, ".|." * non_dashes, "-" * dashes))
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+I split the code up in a top half, middle line and lower half, to make it
+easier to reason about. The `for` loops contain some logic to get the right
+output on every line. I found out that `range` supports a third argument,
+allowing me to count down with it as well, which was perfect for this
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-defender">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight perl6 tio= %}
+#! /usr/bin/env perl6
+my $height = $*IN.slurp.words.head.Int;
+my $width = $height × 3;
+my $half-height = ($height - 1) ÷ 2;
+# Top half
+for 1..$half-height {
+ my $non-dashes = ($_ × 2) - 1;
+ my $dashes = ($width - ($non-dashes × 3)) ÷ 2;
+ say "{"-" x $dashes}{".|." x $non-dashes}{"-" x $dashes}";
+# Middle line
+say "{"-" x (($width ÷ 2) - 3)}WELCOME{ "-" x (($width ÷ 2) - 3)}";
+# Lower half
+for (1..$half-height).reverse {
+ my $non-dashes = ($_ × 2) - 1;
+ my $dashes = ($width - ($non-dashes × 3)) ÷ 2;
+ say "{"-" x $dashes}{".|." x $non-dashes}{"-" x $dashes}";
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+As usual, the code is functionally the same. I must admit I like the functional
+style to get an `Int` from the first argument much more than the way I do it in
+Python, though.
+A thing I learned is that the `..` operator that generates a sequence does not
+have a way to make a sequence that counts down, so I had to use `.reverse` on a
+sequence that counts up. I had expected this to Just Work as I expected and
+count down if the left hand side would be larger than the right hand side.
+You may notice some fancy Unicode characters in the source, namely `×` for
+multiplication, and ÷ for division. Perl 6 allows Unicode characters in the
+source files, which can oftentimes lead to prettier code. In this particular
+instance, there's no big difference in code readability, though. And for those
+who don't yet have a modern editor that can make Unicode characters, do not
+worry, as the ASCII equivalents (`*` and `/` respectively) still work as well.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-announcer">
+{% markdown %}
+### String Formatting
+In this challenge, you are to produce a table with four columns. The columns
+should contain the decimal, octal, hexadecimal and binary values of the row
+numbers. The function receives an int _number_. The table should contain that
+many rows, starting with row number 1.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-arena">
+ <div class="language-challenger">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight python3 tio= %}
+def print_formatted(number):
+ max_width = len("{0:b}".format(number))
+ for i in range(1, number + 1):
+ decimal = "{0}".format(i).rjust(max_width)
+ octal = "{0:o}".format(i).rjust(max_width)
+ hexadecimal = "{0:x}".format(i).upper().rjust(max_width)
+ binary = "{0:b}".format(i).rjust(max_width)
+ print("%s %s %s %s" % (decimal, octal, hexadecimal, binary))
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+In the Python 3 solution I first calculate the max width I need to take into
+account. Then I loop from 1 until _number_ to get the right amount of rows.
+Each iteration, I format the number correctly, and then print it out using a
+printf format string.
+The hardest part of this challenge was to get formatting right the way
+Hackerrank wanted it. But I guess that was the entire point of the challenge.
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-defender">
+ <div class="language-code">
+{% highlight perl6 tio= %}
+sub print-formatted ($number) {
+ my $max-width = $number.base(2).Str.chars;
+ my $format-string = ("%{$max-width}s" xx 4).join(" ") ~ "\n";
+ for 1..$number {
+ $format-string.printf($_, $_.base(8), $_.base(16), $_.base(2));
+ }
+{% endhighlight %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="language-commentary">
+{% markdown %}
+The Perl 6 solution starts of the same, in that it first calculates the max
+width I need to take into account. Next, however, I generate the format string
+using the `$max-width` to make the `printf` subroutine pad it for me. The `xx`
+operator makes a total of 4 such strings, and puts them into a list, which I
+can then `join` together with a space character, and add a `\n` at the end of
+it (the `~` operator is for string concatenation).
+I'm assuming something similar is possible in Python 3 as well, and I would
+like to have an example so I can compare it more fairly.
+In the Perl 6 solution I am also able to make use of the `base` method to
+convert the numbers into the right base, something I could not find for Python
+{% endmarkdown %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+{% markdown %}
+## Wrap-up
+This time I did not do all of the challenges, as the post would probably get
+too long. I still did 8 of them, and might do the rest of the string challenges
+in a later part anyway.
+I still find Perl 6 to produce much cleaner code, which is shown best with the
+first challenge. In Perl 6 (`$line.split(" ").join("-")`), I can read from left
+to right to see what I'm doing: I have a `$line`, which I split, and then join.
+In the Python variant (`"-".join(line.split(" "))`), it is much less clear what
+the actual item I'm working on is, as it's hidden inbetween the `join` and
+`split` calls.
+Of course, I'm still not an expert on Python 3 code, so I'm sure that there are
+many parts that could be written in a cleaner fashion. I'm still open for
+feedback to improve my Python 3 skills (hence I'm publishing these posts), so
+please let me know if you know better ways to solve some challenges.
+{% endmarkdown %}