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-layout: post
-date: 2016-10-01 10:20:27 +0200
-wip: true
- - ["Patrick Spek", ""]
-This article is intended for sysadmins who run email systems and those who
-maintain the Outlook instances for their workforce. If you do not belong into
-either of these categories, the following article is probably not too useful.
-If you are one of the many people that suffers from a sysadmin who has yet to
-fix the `winmail.dat` issues on his network, you can kindly redirect them here
-and hope that they are kind enough to improve their services. If they do not,
-you may want to look for a better sysadmin.
-## What is this `winmail.dat`?
-A `winmail.dat` is a file that Outlook will attach if an Outlook user sends an
-email containing actual attachments or any kind of markup unless Outlook has
-been configured not to do so. It is a binary format that holds all the
-information to the markup used in the email and the actual attachment that the
-user was trying to send. As is typical with Microsoft, this is incompatible
-with other Microsoft products. It will only "fix" itself if the receiver is
-also using Outlook.
-## Why should I care?
-This means that recipients of any mail sent using such a badly configured
-Outlook instance cannot see any markup used by the sender, nor can the
-recipient see any attachment. Most people can live without the markup, but not
-being able to see the actual attachments is generally a pretty big issue.
-Now, there are shady tools available to try and decode these `winmail.dat`
-files, but these will not work correctly in all circumstances. Furthermore, an
-end-user should not be required to depend on a shady tool to fix the symptom of
-a misconfigured email client from another party.
-## How can I fix this?
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-title: Install Funtoo
-wip: true
-date: 2016-10-03 18:05:59
-tags: Tutorial Installation Funtoo
-layout: post
- - ["Patrick Spek", ""]
-# Install Funtoo
-It has come to my attention that many people consider installing Gentoo, and in
-effect, Funtoo, a hard task to complete. Some people have also shown interest in
-my particular setup. In addition, my favourite English teacher, Anne the Lion,
-has tasked us students to write a tutorial to assess our English skills.
-As such, I have written this tutorial to show people my installation steps, and
-mentally please my teacher. If you have any suggestions or criticism, please
-find me on IRC. The networks I frequent and the nickname I use can be found on
-[my homepage][tyil].
-## Assumptions
-This tutorial assumes a few things from you. If you do not meet most of these
-assumptions, this guide is probably not for you. You can of course still read
-it, however, there might be a lot of jargon you do not understand, making the
-tutorial more complex to understand.
-- You have experience with GNU+Linux
-- You know your way in the terminal
-- You are not afraid of using text-based applications
-- You have experience reading through manuals and documentation
-- You are not afraid to spend some hours on IRC to help you troubleshoot issues
-## Installing Funtoo
-This tutorial will guide you through a not-so-basic installation of the Funtoo
-GNU+Linux distribution. It is based on one of my own installations, but
-slightly simplified.
-### The live environment
-Before you can get started with setting up the system, you will need something to
-set it up with. We will be using a live environment for this purpose. My
-personal choice for this task is [the Gentoo-based SystemRescueCD][sysrescuecd].
-You can use any other live environment your prefer, however, this tutorial will
-only guide you into preparing the System Rescue CD.
-#### Getting the live USB image
-You can download the System Rescue CD at one of the following locations:
-- [Funtoo][Funtoo]
-- [Osuosl][osuosl]
-#### Setting up the live USB
-After downloading the image, mount it somewhere:
-{% highlight sh %}
-mount path/to/sysrescuecd.iso /mnt/cdrom
-{% endhighlight %}
-Once it is mounted, you can run the installer bundled with the image by running
-{% highlight sh %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Select the right device and wait for the installer to finish up.
-#### Booting the USB
-To begin using the live environment so you can install something with it, boot
-it up. Make sure the USB is in the machine, and reboot it. Enter the BIOS/UEFI
-settings and make sure to either make the USB device a higher boot priority, or
-select it to be the boot device for one boot. The availability and location of
-these options differs per machine, so be sure to check the manual or look around
-online for instructions if it is not clear to you.
-### Hardware preparation
-The hardware you are installing on needs to be prepared. This could mean
-manually configuring your hardware RAID if you use this and configuring other
-exotic setups. This tutorial will not go into details for such setups, as there
-is a near infinite amount of possible options. Instead, you should stick to
-simply configuring your storage device.
-The size of your storage device should be at least 35GB to be safe and have
-some space for personal data. The partitioning layout this guide is aiming for
-is the following:
- sda1 fat32 2GB /boot
- sda2 lvm
- funtoo0-root xfs 8GB /
- funtoo0-home zfs /home
- funtoo0-sources ext4 3GB /usr/src
- funtoo0-portage reiserfs 2GB /usr/portage
- funtoo0-swap swap
- funtoo0-packages xfs 10GB /var/packages
- funtoo0-distfiles xfs 10GB /var/distfiles
-If you already an advanced user, you are of course free to diverge from the
-guide here.
-#### Partition the drive
-The first part is to setup partitions. This can be done by calling `gdisk
-Let us wipe the entire disk and start with a clean slate. You can do this by
-typing `o` and pressing enter. When asked wether you are sure, type `y` and
-enter again.
-Now you are going to create two partitions, one for `/boot` and one for
-[`lvm`][wikipedia-lvm]. Following is a list of what to enter. `<CR>` denotes
-pressing the enter key.
-- `n` `<CR>`
-- `<CR>`
-- `<CR>`
-- `+500M` `<CR>`
-- `EF00` `<CR>`
-- `n` `<CR>`
-- `<CR>`
-- `<CR>`
-- `<CR>`
-- `<CR>`
-#### Setting up encryption
-Any system should be safe. Encryption is just a small part, but in my opinion
-very important. We are going to encrypt the entire `lvm` partition using
-[`luks`][wikipedia-luks]. The frontend tool to be used for this is
-{% highlight sh %}
-cryptsetup --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --hash sha512 --key-size 256 luksFormat /dev/sda2
-{% endhighlight %}
-`cryptsetup` will ask you for a passphrase. Make sure to use a good one,
-preferably at least 20 characters in length.
-Once the partition has been encrypted, open the device so it can be used by
-invoking `cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 dmcrypt_lvm`.
-#### Set up LVM
-Once the encrypted partition has been unlocked, you can setup `lvm` on it. To
-initialize an lvm volume on this partition, run the following:
-{% highlight sh %}
-pvcreate /dev/mapper/dmcrypt_lvm
-vgcreate funtoo0 /dev/mapper/dmcrypt_lvm
-{% endhighlight %}
-The lvm volume has now been prepared, and you can start adding volumes to it to
-be used as partitions. It is recommended to have a swap partition as well. The
-size of this partition depends on the amount of RAM you have available. Due to
-my availability to big disks, I generally opt for a swap partition the same size
-as my total RAM in the machine. To make the tutorial work for this as well, a
-subshell is called to figure out the size of the swap partition.
-{% highlight sh %}
-lvcreate -L8G -n root funtoo0
-lvcreate -L3G -n sources funtoo0
-lvcreate -L2G -n portage funtoo0
-lvcreate -L10G -n packages funtoo0
-lvcreate -L10G -n distfiles funtoo0
-lvcreate -L$(free -h | grep -i mem: | awk '{print $2}') -n swap funtoo0
-lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n home funtoo0
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Create filesystems
-Now you are ready to create usable filesystems on the partitions:
-{% highlight sh %}
-mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1
-mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/funtoo0-root
-mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/funtoo0-packages
-mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/funtoo0-distfiles
-mkfs.reiserfs /dev/mapper/funtoo0-portage
-mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/funtoo0-sources
-mkswap /dev/mapper/funtoo0-swap
-{% endhighlight %}
-If you're thinking at this point "where's my home partition?", it's not
-initialized here. [ZFS][wikipedia-zfs] requires custom kernel modules which will
-be built later, after the initial kernel has been compiled.
-#### Mount the filesystems
-Next up is mounting all filesystems so you can install files to them. First, you
-mount the root filesystem:
-{% highlight sh %}
-mount /dev/mapper/funtoo0-root /mnt/gentoo
-{% endhighlight %}
-Now you can add some directories for the other mountpoints. This can be done in
-one well-made `mkdir` invocation:
-{% highlight sh %}
-mkdir -p /mnt/gentoo/{boot,home,usr/{portage,src},var/{tmp,distfiles,packages},tmp}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Next you can mount all other mountpoints on the new directories:
-{% highlight sh %}
-mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot
-mount /dev/mapper/funtoo0-portage /mnt/gentoo/usr/portage
-mount /dev/mapper/funtoo0-sources /mnt/gentoo/usr/src
-mount /dev/mapper/funtoo0-distfiles /mnt/gentoo/var/distfiles
-mount /dev/mapper/funtoo0-packages /mnt/gentoo/var/packages
-{% endhighlight %}
-Let's also enable swap and ramdisks for the temporary storage directories:
-{% highlight sh %}
-swapon /dev/mapper/funtoo0-swap
-mount -t tmpfs none /mnt/gentoo/tmp
-mount --rbind /mnt/gentoo/tmp /mnt/gentoo/var/tmp
-{% endhighlight %}
-### Initial setup
-Now that all mountpoints have been set up, installation of the actual OS can
-begin. This is done by downloading a "stage 3" tarball containing a bare minimal
-Funtoo installation and extracting it with the right options.
-The stage 3 tarball can be downloaded from [][funtoo-build]. It
-is easiest to download and extract the tarball in the root filesystem, so let's
-do that:
-{% highlight sh %}
-cd /mnt/gentoo
-tar xpf stage3-latest.tar.xz
-{% endhighlight %}
-Once extraction is complete, you can opt to delete the tarball as it is no
-longer needed at this point. You can delete it by invoking `rm stage3-latest.tar.gz`.
-### System configuration
-You now have a bare Funtoo installation ready on your machine. But before you
-can actually use it, you should do some configuration.
-#### Chrooting
-Before you get to the configuration part, you should [`chroot`][wikipedia-chroot]
-into the system. This allows you to enter your new Funtoo installation before it
-can properly boot. If your system ever breaks and you are unable to boot into it
-anymore, you can redo the mounting section of this guide and this chrooting
-section to get into it and resolve your issues.
-The chrooting requires a couple extra mounts, so the chroot can interface with
-the hardware provided by the system above it:
-{% highlight sh %}
-mount -t proc none proc
-mount --rbind /dev dev
-mount --rbind /sys sys
-{% endhighlight %}
-Once these mountpoints are set, you will need to copy over `resolv.conf` so the
-chroot can resolve DNS names:
-{% highlight sh %}
-cp /etc/resolv.conf etc
-{% endhighlight %}
-Now that everything is prepared in the chroot, you can enter your Funtoo
-installation using the following:
-{% highlight sh %}
-chroot . bash -l
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Set up the portage tree
-The portage tree is a collection of files which are used by the package manager
-to find out which software it can install, and more importantly, how to install
-The default location in Funtoo for your portage tree is in `/usr/portage`.
-However, as I use multiple sources for my portage tree, I prefer to set it up
-under `/usr/portage/funtoo`. This is not a required step, but advised nonetheless.
-In order to change this, open up `/etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo` in your
-favourite editor. Funtoo comes with [`vi`][wikipedia-vi],
-[`nano`][wikipedia-nano] and [`ed`][wikipedia-ed] by default. `ed` is
-recommended as the standard editor. After opening the file, change the
-`location` key to point to `/usr/portage/funtoo`.
-When you have modified `/etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo` (or not, if you do not
-want to change this default), continue to download your first version of the
-portage tree:
-{% highlight sh %}
-emerge --sync
-{% endhighlight %}
-Everytime you want to update your system, you will have to do an `emerge --sync`
-to update the portage tree first. It is managed by [`git`][wikipedia-git], which
-can bring some side effects. The most notable one is that the tree will grow
-over time with old commit data. If you wish to clean this up, simply
-`rm -rf /usr/portage/* && emerge --sync` to regenerate it from scratch
-#### Setting up your system settings
-In order to make the system work properly, some setup has to be performed. This
-will involve editing some text files, for which you can use your favourite
-editor again.
-##### /etc/fstab
-We will begin with the most important one, `/etc/fstab`. This file holds
-information on your mountpoints. Some of the mountpoints are best configured
-with UUIDs, because the device enumeration can sometimes differ. If you have
-multiple storage devices in your system, this could as well be a hard
-requirement. UUIDs are unique to each storage device, so you will have to figure
-out your UUIDs yourself. You can do this by running `lsblk -o +UUID`. Take note
-of the UUID of your boot device.
-Once you know the UUID, open up `/etc/fstab` with whatever editor you feel
-comfortable with and make it look like the following block of text. Do not
-forget to update the UUIDs!
-# boot device
-/dev/sda1 /boot vfat noauto,noatime 1 2
-# lvm volumes
-/dev/mapper/funtoo0-root / xfs rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 1
-/dev/mapper/funtoo0-portage /usr/portage reiserfs defaults 0 0
-/dev/mapper/funtoo0-sources /usr/src ext4 noatime 0 1
-/dev/mapper/funtoo0-packages /var/packages xfs defaults 0 1
-/dev/mapper/funtoo0-distfiles /var/distfiles xfs defaults 0 1
-# ramdisks
-tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
-# swap
-/dev/mapper/funtoo0-swap none swap defaults 0 0
-# binds
-/tmp /var/tmp none rbind 0 0
-##### /etc/localtime
-The localtime comes next. This is to make sure your time is set correctly. An
-incorrect time can cause issues such as secure connections failing. To set your
-localtime, all you need to do is create a symlink. The file you need to symlink
-to is stored in `/usr/share/zoneinfo`. The files are sorted by continent. As
-someone who lives in the Netherlands, I'd use
-{% highlight sh %}
-ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam /etc/localtime
-{% endhighlight %}
-It is important to also correctly set your hardware clock, in case it is off.
-Check if your time and date are correct by invoking `date`. If these settings
-are correct, you can skip towards the next heading. Otherwise, keep on reading
-this bit.
-To set the correct time, you can use the `date` utility again. When invoked with
-an argument in the form of `MMDDhhmmYYYY`, it will set the date and time instead
-of check it. The following command would set the date to the first of October
-2016, and the time to 17:29:
-{% highlight sh %}
-date 011017292016
-{% endhighlight %}
-After you correctly set the date and time to whatever it currently is, sync it
-to the hardware clock so it is correct across reboots:
-{% highlight sh %}
-hwclock --systohc
-{% endhighlight %}
-##### /etc/portage/make.conf
-Another important part to configure is the `make.conf` file. This file contains
-settings for portage and some options for compilers. This file can also be made
-a directory. This way, you can split off your configs into multiple files for
-easier maintainance. The files will be loaded alphabetically. The way you set it
-up is completely up to you, though I would recommend removing the default
-`/etc/portage/make.conf` and making it a directory instead.
-Once you have decided how to setup your make.conf, it is time to add some data
-in the file(s). Following is a list of useful variables to set up, with a block
-containing my own settings for it. You can copy these for yourself, or dig
-aroudn some manpages to find out what you exactly want yourself.
-###### USE
-`USE` holds global USE flags. These are used to configure your packages. You can
-turn features on and off using these, and the ebuilds will configure the
-packages to enable or disable these features.
-{% highlight sh %}
- ${USE}
- alsa
- gtk
- gtkstyle
- infinality
- vim-syntax
- zsh-completion
- -pulseaudio
- -systemd
- -gnome
- -kde
-{% endhighlight %}
-###### FEATURES
-The `FEATURES` variable allows enabling of various portage features. Mine are
-setup to drop privileges so root is used as little as possible and to do as much
-parallel as possible to speed up the process. Additionally, I use the `buildpkg`
-feature to build binary packages for use on other systems. This can save you a
-great deal of time if you have multiple systems running Funtoo.
-{% highlight sh %}
- buildpkg
- network-sandbox
- parallel-fetch
- parallel-install
- sandbox
- userfetch
- userpriv
- usersandbox
- usersync
-{% endhighlight %}
-`EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS` can be used to add some flags to every emerge you invoke.
-This way you can force emerge to always ask for confirmation.
-{% highlight sh %}
- --alert
- --ask
- --binpkg-changed-deps=y
- --binpkg-respect-use=y
- --keep-going
- --tree
- --usepkg
- --verbose
-{% endhighlight %}
-###### C/XXFLAGS
-The `CFLAGS` and `CXXFLAGS` variables hold compiler-specific options. It is
-**very** important to not use newlines in these two, as [they will break
-`cmake`][bug-cmake]. Other than that, it is just a regular shell variable like
-the others.
-{% highlight sh %}
-CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
-CXXFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
-{% endhighlight %}
-This variable is not as important as the others. You can even opt to leave it
-out completely. If, however, you wish to limit portage to only install free
-software (free as in freedom, not gratis), you can set it to the same value as
-me. Do note that if you use this, you will need to setup the
-`/etc/portage/package.license` as well.
-{% highlight sh %}
- -*
-{% endhighlight %}
-###### MAKEOPTS
-`MAKEOPTS` are the arguments passed to `make`. This can be used to instruct
-`make` to use multiple threads when compiling software. The amount of threads
-can be set with the `-j` flag. The general rule of thumb for this is to use
-`$(($(nproc) + 1))`.
-{% highlight sh %}
- -j9
-{% endhighlight %}
-The `PKGDIR` and `DISTDIR` variables set the location to store binary packages
-after building, and the location to store distfiles. In order to use the
-`/var/distfiles` and `/var/packages` partitions, these must be set.
-{% highlight sh %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-##### /etc/portage/package.mask
-Like the `make.conf` file, `package.mask` can be made a directory containing
-seperate files.
-The `package.mask` file(s) allow you to "mask" packages, instructing portage to
-ignore these. It can also let you mask certain versions of packages. This way
-you can skip a broken version or stick to a certain version for whatever reason.
-Since this tutorial uses ZFS, there is such a reason to do exactly that.
-ZFS requires a Linux at version 4.4 or lower. The latest kernel is much higher
-than that, so it is necessary to mask newer kernel versions. This is a single
-line of configuration, and as such can be done without a fancy editor. Simply
-invoke the following magic:
-{% highlight sh %}
-mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.mask
-echo ">sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.4.6" > /etc/portage/package.mask/20-zfs.mask
-{% endhighlight %}
-##### /etc/portage/package.license
-This file can be setup as a directory too, just like `make.conf` and
-`package.mask`. Using this file or directory you can add per-package license
-exceptions. This is therefore only needed if you setup a strict license limit.
-The kernel comes with some sources under the `freedist` license, which is not
-part of `@FREE`. As such, if you want to install kernel sources you will have to
-make an exception for this license on this package.
-{% highlight sh %}
-mkdir -p /etc/portage/package.license
-echo "sys-kernel/gentoo-sources freedist" > /etc/portage/package.license/20-freedist.license
-{% endhighlight %}
-##### /etc/conf.d/hostname
-As one of the last files to setup, the hostname should be set in
-`/etc/conf.d/hostname`. The `hostname` variable in this file should be set to
-the hostname of the machine. You can pick any name you like, but should be
-unique across your network.
-#### Preparing your first kernel
-Every system needs a kernel, a piece of software to interface with the hardware.
-Funtoo, like every GNU+Linux distribution, uses the Linux kernel for this task.
-For this task, you will first need to decide on a source set to use. All source
-sets share the same base, but they have different patches applied. It is
-recommended to use `sys-kernel/gentoo-sources`. If this isn't bleeding edge
-enough, you can use `sys-kernel/git-sources` instead. If you just want the
-latest official kernel without the gentoo patchset, pick
-`sys-kernel/vanilla-sources`. No matter which source set you use, the
-compilation and installation process remains the same.
-Install whichever source set you want to use, this guide will use
-`sys-kernel/gentoo-sources`. In order to save some yes-pressing later on, the
-`emerge` command here will install some additional packages which are needed for
-the system to function properly.
-{% highlight sh %}
-emerge boot-update cryptsetup lvm2 gentoo-sources
-genkernel --menuconfig --lvm --luks all
-{% endhighlight %}
-The `genkernel` command will run the kernel menuconfig utility. If you have
-exotic hardware that needs special support, this is the place to enable it. The
-defaults are sane for most systems. If you have nothing to configure here, just
-exit the menuconfig and let `genkernel` build a custom kernel and initramfs for
-you. As the guide uses LVM and LUKS, you will need to have support for these
-things in your kernel. You will need to enable the following options at the
-very least:
-General setup --->
- [*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
-Device Drivers --->
- Generic Driver Options --->
- [*] Maintain a devtmpfs filesystem to mount at /dev
-Device Drivers --->
- [*] Multiple devices driver support --->
- <*>Device Mapper Support
- <*> Crypt target support
-Cryptographic API --->
- <*> XTS support
- -*-AES cipher algorithms
-#### Setup ZFS
-The kernel is now installed at `/boot`, and all the required parts to build
-custom kernel modules are available. This means it is now possible to build the
-ZFS modules.
-First install the kernel module here. Since the live kernel does not have the
-zfs modules from the chroot, you must create the pool and the volumes after the
-first reboot.
-{% highlight sh %}
-emerge zfs
-{% endhighlight %}
-Once it has been compiled, you can add the ZFS services to start up by default.
-This will load the kernel module for you and all additional services that make
-ZFS perform its job well.
-{% highlight sh %}
-rc-update add zfs-import boot
-rc-update add zfs-mount boot
-rc-update add zfs-share default
-rc-update add zfs-zed default
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Installing a bootloader
-Before building your kernel, `boot-update` was installed. This pulls in
-[`grub`][wikipedia-grub], the recommended bootloader for Funtoo. It doesn't
-require a lot of configuration thanks to the `boot-update` script, which will
-configure `grub` for you.
-Before running the script, there's one place to update as this setup uses `luks`
-and `lvm`.
-Open up `/etc/boot.conf` in your favourite editor and let the file display
-something like this:
-boot {
- generate grub
- default "Funtoo GNU+Linux"
- timeout 3
-"Funtoo GNU+Linux" {
- kernel kernel[-v]
- initrd initramfs[-v]
- params += crypt_root=/dev/sda2 real_root=/dev/mapper/funtoo0-root rootfstype=xfs dolvm
-Now that `boot-update` is configured, install `grub` as an UEFI bootloader and
-generate the configs for it using `boot-update`. You should make sure the
-`grub` directory exists in `/boot` as well.
-{% highlight sh %}
-mkdir -p /boot/grub
-grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id="Funtoo GNU+Linux" --recheck /dev/sda
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Set your system profile
-Your system is now ready to boot and use. However, some things are still not
-configured. These can in some cases be configured after rebooting, but it is
-recommended to fix it all up now. The first part is setting your system profile.
-For a full list of settings, check `epro list`. Maybe you want to use this
-system as something other than a workstation, or want to enable the `gnome`
-To get the same profile settings as I use for my work environments, run the
-{% highlight sh %}
-epro flavor workstation
-epro mix-ins +no-systemd
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Running the first full system update
-The stage 3 tarball may have been the latest, but it might still have some
-slightly outdated packages. In addition, now that your system profile is set up,
-some applications may be configured to have different feature sets enabled. To
-make sure everything is in the best possible state, it is recommended to run a
-full system update now. Since some of our options are already set as
-`EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS`, this is as simple as
-{% highlight sh %}
-emerge -uDN @world
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Installing supporting software
-This is software you will more than likely need on any standard system. If
-you're an advanced user you can decide to skip this and make your own choices,
-otherwise it is recommended to install this software as well.
-{% highlight sh %}
-emerge connman sudo vim linux-firmware
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Configuring supporting software
-Some of the supporting software has to be turned on explicitly or have a
-configuration file tweaked. If you opted to not use a given recommended package,
-you can skip the section with the same name.
-##### connman
-[`connman`][wikipedia-connman] is a simple **conn**ection **man**ager. It's
-lightweight, fast and does its job pretty well. To enable this service at boot,
-{% highlight sh %}
-rc-update add connman default
-{% endhighlight %}
-If you want to setup wireless connection authentication credentials, read up on
-`man connman-service.conf`.
-##### sudo
-The [`sudo`][wikipedia-sudo] utility allows certain users, based on their
-username or groups they belong to, access to privileged commands. It can also be
-used to run a command as a different user. The most basic setup allows people
-from the `wheel` group to execute commands normally reserved for `root`.
-Because sudo is a critical utility, it comes with its own editor that basically
-just wraps your preferred editor in a script that will complain if the
-configuration is wrong. To use this tool, invoke
-{% highlight sh %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Scroll to the line which contains `# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL`, and remove the `# `.
-#### Set passwords
-We probably want to be able to login to the system as well. By default, users
-without passwords are disabled, so you'll need to set a password for the users
-you want to be able to use:
-{% highlight sh %}
-passwd root
-{% endhighlight %}
-If you used a different username than `tyil`, be sure to change it here as well.
-### First boot
-Installation is now finished, so it is time to boot into your new Funtoo system.
-First you should cleanly unmount all partitions and then issue a reboot:
-{% highlight sh %}
-umount -lR /mnt/gentoo
-{% endhighlight %}
-If you set your UEFI to favour the USB system over the standard drive in the
-booting order, be sure to either change this back, or simply remove the USB
-### First boot configurations
-After your system has succesfully booted, login as root using the password you
-set using `passwd` before rebooting.
-#### ZFS
-Now you can finally setup the ZFS partition. Issue the following commands to
-create a pool and a subvolume for `/home`:
-{% highlight sh %}
-zpool create funtooz /dev/sda
-zfs create -o mountpoint=/home funtooz/home
-{% endhighlight %}
-#### Create a user
-Create a user for yourself on the system, as you should not perform regular
-usage as root. You can use any other value for `tyil` if you so desire:
-{% highlight sh %}
-useradd -m -g users -G wheel tyil
-passwd tyil
-{% endhighlight %}
-The `-G wheel` part is optional, but recommended if you wish to use this account
-for administrative tasks. This option adds the user to the `wheel` group, which
-will allow the user to execute root commands using `sudo`.
-#### Login
-Now you have a non-privileged user to login to. Log out of the root user by
-running `exit`. Next, log in on your normal user account.
-## What's next
-Now you have a working Funtoo installation. Next steps would be installing all
-the software you wish to use and configuring it to your liking. I would greatly
-advise looking at other people's configurations and publishing your
-configurations as well. These configuration collections are often called
-*dotfiles*. Mine can be found [on][dotfiles].
-If this is your first time using Funtoo as your distro of choice, I would
-recommend looking through [Funtoo (GNU+)Linux First Steps][funtoo-first] on the
-official Funtoo wiki.
-If you need assistance on maintainance, you can always drop by in `#sqt` on