--- title: About Me --- Freedom-focused hacker. I love everything about free software, and spend much time contributing to it myself. I occasionally write articles to help other people getting started with free software, and show the issues with proprietary software. I'm active on a number of IRC channels, spread over multiple IRC networks. ## Contact ### PGP My public PGP key is available [from my own site][pubkey], or from a public key server such as [pgp.mit.edu][pubkey-mit]. The fingerprint is: 1660 F6A2 DFA7 5347 322A 4DC0 7A6A C285 E2D9 8827 You can also fetch my PGP key using the [WebKey Protocol](/post/2020/05/30/setting-up-pgp-wkd/): gpg --locate-key p.spek@tyil.nl [pubkey]: /pubkey.txt [pubkey-mit]: http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x7A6AC285E2D98827 ### Channels #### Email Email contact goes via [p.spek@tyil.work][mail]. Be sure to at least sign all mail you send me. Even better would be encrypted mail using my [PGP key][pubkey]. I do not read my mailboxes very often, so please do not expect a timely response. If you require a response as soon as possible, please find me on IRC instead. #### IRC I am mainly active as `tyil` on [Libera][libera]. Other networks I frequent are [DareNET][darenet] and [Rizon][rizon], using the same nick, `tyil`. I use OTR for private messages on IRC, so be sure you use this if you want to discuss something in private. ## Other links - [Sourcehut account][git-srht] - [GitLab account][git-gl] - [GitHub account][git-gh] - [LinkedIn][linkedin] ## RSS If you'd like to stay up-to-date with my posts, you can subscribe to the [RSS feed](/posts/index.xml). [darenet]: https://darenet.org [git-gh]: https://github.com/tyil [git-gl]: https://gitlab.com/tyil [git-srht]: https://sr.ht/~tyil/ [linkedin]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickspek [mail]: mailto:p.spek@tyil.work [pubkey]: /pubkey.txt [rizon]: https://rizon.net [libera]: https://libera.chat