--- title: Xinjiang BBQ rub date: 2024-06-04 tags: - asian - bbq - dryrub - spicemix preptime: 0 cooktime: 30 ingredients: - label: Cumin Seeds amount: 2 unit: tablespoon - label: Chili flakes amount: 2 unit: tablespoon - label: Black pepper corns amount: 1 unit: tablespoon - label: Szechuan pepper corns amount: 1 unit: tablespoon - label: Ginger (dried, ground) amount: 1 unit: tablespoon - label: Garlic (dried, ground) amount: 1 unit: tablespoon - label: Chili powder amount: 2 unit: tablespoon - label: Salt amount: 1 unit: tablespoon stages: - label: Toasting steps: - Toast the cumin seeds for a few minutes, until fragrant - Toast the szechuan pepper corns for a few minutes, until fragrant - label: Grinding steps: - Grind the chili flakes to a rough powder - Grind the cumin seeds to a fine powder - Grind the szechuan pepper corns to a fine powder - Grind the black pepper corns to a fine powder - Grind the salt to a fine powder - label: Mixing steps: - Combine all spices and mix them together --- A slightly spicy Chinese streetfood BBQ rub. In my experience, this works well for chicken or lamb skewers.