{{ define "main" }}

{{ .Title }}

{{- if .Draft }}
This recipe is still a draft. It has most likely been shared with you for reviewing purposes, but neither the instructions nor the ingredients have been properly checked yet. Do not make this recipe unless you are an experienced cook, and please do not yet share it with other people.
{{- end }}
{{ .Content }}
Preparation time {{ .Params.preptime }} minutes
Cooking time {{ .Params.cooktime }} minutes
Serves {{ .Params.serves }}


{{- range $i, $ingredient := .Params.ingredients }} {{- if .unit }} {{- else }} {{- end }} {{- end }}
  Ingredient Amount Unit
{{- if .links }} {{- range .links }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ .amount }} {{ $ingredient.unit }}{{ $ingredient.amount }}


{{- range $i, $stage := .Params.stages }}

{{ $stage.label }}

{{- if $stage.notes }}

{{ .notes }}

{{- end }}
    {{- range $j, $step := $stage.steps }}
  1. {{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ end }}