--- layout: post tags: PostgreSQL Programming JSON social: email: mailto:~tyil/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht&subject=Merging JSON objects in PostgreSQL description: > Left unsatisfied trying to find a nice way to merge two JSON objects in PostgreSQL, I whipped up my own. This small post shows off my glorious concoction for future generations." --- At my `$day-job` we have a lot of `jsonb` in our database. From time to time, I have to manually run a query to fix something in there. This week was one of those times. While you can pretty much do everything you need with regards to JSON editing with `jsonb_se`t, I thought it might be nice if I were able to *merge* a given JSON object into an existing object. This might be cleaner in some situations, but mostly it is fun to figure it out. And who doesn’t like spending time with `plpgsql`? The way I wanted to have it work is like this: {% highlight sql %} UPDATE user SET properties = jsonb_merge(properties, '{"notifications": {"new_case": false, "new_document": true}}'); {% endhighlight %} And this is the eventual function I produced to do it: {% highlight sql %} CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jsonb_merge(original jsonb, delta jsonb) RETURNS jsonb AS $$ DECLARE result jsonb; BEGIN SELECT json_object_agg( COALESCE(original_key, delta_key), CASE WHEN original_value IS NULL THEN delta_value WHEN delta_value IS NULL THEN original_value WHEN (jsonb_typeof(original_value) <> 'object' OR jsonb_typeof(delta_value) <> 'object') THEN delta_value ELSE jsonb_merge(original_value, delta_value) END ) INTO result FROM jsonb_each(original) e1(original_key, original_value) FULL JOIN jsonb_each(delta) e2(delta_key, delta_value) ON original_key = delta_key; RETURN result; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; {% endhighlight %}