#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; chomp(my $os = lc(`uname`)); # define the subroutine for creating sections easely sub section { my($color, $data) = @_; return if $data eq ''; print "#[fg=colour$color] $data"; print "#[fg=colour8] ║"; } # define the subroutines that generate the data sub battery { chomp(my $output = `battery`); $output =~ s/\n/ /g; return $output; } sub inet { my $device = "enp10s0"; chomp(my $output = `inet $device`); return $output; } sub load { chomp(my $output = `load`); return $output; } sub mem { chomp(my $output = `free -h | grep "Mem:" | awk '{print \$3}'`); return $output; } # set the sections §ion(12, &inet); §ion(2, &load); §ion(2, &mem); §ion(11, &battery);