#!/bin/sh # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. readonly PROGRAM_NAME="$(basename "$0")" main() { # Handle opts while getopts ":C:S:c:ht:v" opt do case "$opt" in S) rundir=$OPTARG ;; d) command_dir=$OPTARG ;; h) usage && exit 0 ;; v) verbose=1 ;; *) printf "Invalid option passed: %s\n" "$OPTARG" >&2 ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) # Set default values [ -z "$rundir" ] && rundir="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/$PROGRAM_NAME" time_old=0 time_now="$(xprintidle)" # Check availability of dependencies for i in xprintidle xset do command -v "$i" >/dev/null && continue log "Missing dependency $i" exit 3 done # Ensure $DISPLAY is set if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] then log "\$DISPLAY is unset" exit 4 fi # Initialize the rundir log "Create rundir ($rundir)" mkdir -p -- "$rundir" printf "0\n" > "$rundir/paused" [ ! -f "$rundir/state" ] && printf "active\n" > "$rundir/state" # Enter the loop while : do # Do nothing if the program is paused if is_paused then log "$PROGRAM_NAME is paused ($rundir)" sleep 1 continue fi # Get the time the system has been idle in milliseconds time_old=$time_now time_now="$(($(xprintidle) / 1000))" # Run command_active upon detecting activity if [ "$((time_now))" -lt "$((time_old))" ] then log "Detected activity ($time_now < $time_old)" cmd="$(get_script active)" if [ "$cmd" = "" ] then log "No executable found for activation" sleep 1 continue fi log "> $cmd" $cmd fi # Run command based on inactivity duration loop_index=$(($time_old)) log "Running (potential) scripts $time_old through $time_now" while [ "$(($loop_index))" -lt "$(($time_now))" ] do loop_index="$(($loop_index + 1))" log "Running script for $loop_index" cmd=$(get_script idle_$loop_index) if [ "$cmd" = "" ] then log "No executable found for idling (${loop_index}s)" continue fi log "> $cmd" $cmd done # Sleep to not burn your CPU sleep 1 done } get_script() { if [ -n "$command_dir" ] then if [ -x "$command_dir/$1" ] then printf "%s\n" "$command_dir/$1" return fi # Don't continue if a command_dir was explicitly set return fi set -f OIFS=$IFS IFS=: dirs="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME:$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:$HOME/.config" for dir in $dirs do [ "$dir" = "" ] && continue if [ -x "$dir/$PROGRAM_NAME/$1" ] then printf "%s\n" "$dir/$PROGRAM_NAME/$1" return fi done IFS=$OIFS set +f } is_paused() { if [ "$(head -n 1 "$rundir/paused")" = "0" ] then return 1 fi return 0 } log() { [ -z "$verbose" ] && return printf "[%s] %s\n" "$(prettify_time "$time_now")" "$*" >&2 } prettify_time() { printf "%03dh %02dm %02ds\n" \ "$(( $1 / 60 / 60 ))" \ "$(( $1 / 60 % 60 ))" \ "$(( $1 % 60 ))" } usage() { cat <] [-R ] [-c ] [-t ] [-v] Force-blank the screen after a certain timeout. Options: -C Set the command to run when X is becoming active. -R Set the location of the rundir. -c Set the command to run when X is going idle. -h Show this help text and exit. -t Set the timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60. -v Add verbosity. EOF } main "$@"