#!/bin/sh # set the default mousepointer xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr # load the .Xresources if command -v xrdb > /dev/null then xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources fi # Set a custom layout with xrandr if [ -f "$HOME/.local/etc/x/layout.sh" ] then /bin/sh "$HOME/.local/etc/x/layout.sh" fi # xkbmap options setxkbmap \ -layout us \ -option compose:menu \ -option caps:escape # add altgr xmodmap -e "keycode 108 = ISO_Level3_Shift" # Export variables for a better X11 experience export WINIT_X11_SCALE_FACTOR=1 # Import X11 environment for systemd systemctl --user import-environment \ DISPLAY \ WINIT_X11_SCALE_FACTOR \ XAUTHORITY