#! /usr/bin/env perl6 use v6.c; use Test; plan 13; use Config; my Config $config = Config.new(); $config.read({ a => "a", b => { c => "c" } }); is $config.get("a"), "a", "Get simple key"; is $config.get("b.c"), "c", "Get nested key"; is $config.get("nonexistent", "test"), "test", "Get nonexistent key with default"; ok $config.get("nonexistent") === Nil, "Get nonexistent key"; is $config.get(["a"]), "a", "Get simple key by array"; is $config.get(["b", "c"]), "c", "Get nested key by array"; is $config.get(["nonexistent"], "test"), "test", "Get nonexistent key by array with default"; ok $config.get(["nonexistent"]) === Nil, "Get nonexistent key by array"; is $config, "a", "Get simple key via associative index"; is $config, "c", "Get nested key via associative index"; is $config, Nil, "Get nonexistent key via associative index"; is $config.get('nonexistent', "test"), "test", "Attempt .get with nonexistent key with default"; is $config.get('nonexistent'), Nil, "Attempt to .get with nonexistent key";