Revision history for IRC::Client unreleased - Improve docs by adding tables of contents 3.006002 2016-08-08 - Emit irc-started before any connection is made 3.006001 2016-08-07 - Add `:alias` feature (#22) 3.005001 2016-08-07 - Make addressed regex more restrictive (#21) 3.004004 2016-08-03 - Implement .match method on Privmsg/Notice message objects 3.004003 2016-08-02 - Make nick grammar looser to match real-world use rather than RFC (#19) - Fix missing user/channel info in debug output for PRIVMSG/NOTICE messages - Add support for channel passwords (#18) 3.003006 2016-07-31 - Fix issue with giving multiple values to channels 3.003005 2016-07-30 - Fix Privmsg message object match in signature regex - Fix warnings in output 3.003004 2016-07-30 - Fix precompilation bug for Terminal::ANSIColor loading (MasterDuke) 3.003003 2016-07-29 - Completed "rewrite" API redesign