[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client) # NAME IRC::Client - Extendable Internet Relay Chat client # TABLE OF CONTENTS - [NAME](#name) - [TABLE OF CONTENTS](#table-of-contents) - [SYNOPSIS](#synopsis) - [Client script](#client-script) - [Custom plugins](#custom-plugins) - [Basic response to an IRC command:](#basic-response-to-an-irc-command) - [More involved handling](#more-involved-handling) - [DESCRIPTION](#description) - [BLEED BRANCH](#bleed-branch) - [METHODS](#methods) - [`new`](#new) - [`debug`](#debug) - [`host`](#host) - [`password`](#password) - [`port`](#port) - [`nick`](#nick) - [`username`](#username) - [`userhost`](#userhost) - [`userreal`](#userreal) - [`channels`](#channels) - [`plugins`](#plugins) - [`plugins-essential`](#plugins-essential) - [`run`](#run) - [METHODS FOR PLUGINS](#methods-for-plugins) - [`.notice`](#notice) - [`.privmsg`](#privmsg) - [`.respond`](#respond) - [`where`](#where) - [`what`](#what) - [`how`](#how) - [`who`](#who) - [`.ssay`](#ssay) - [INCLUDED PLUGINS](#included-plugins) - [IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger](#ircclientplugindebugger) - [IRC::Client::Plugin::PingPong](#ircclientpluginpingpong) - [EXTENDING IRC::Client / WRITING YOUR OWN PLUGINS](#extending-ircclient--writing-your-own-plugins) - [Overview of the plugin system](#overview-of-the-plugin-system) - [Return value constants](#return-value-constants) - [`IRC_HANDLED`](#irc_handled) - [`IRC_NOT_HANDLED`](#irc_not_handled) - [Subscribing to IRC events](#subscribing-to-irc-events) - [Standard IRC commands](#standard-irc-commands) - [Special Events](#special-events) - [`irc-start-up`](#irc-start-up) - [`irc-connected`](#irc-connected) - [`irc-all-events`](#irc-all-events) - [`irc-to-me`](#irc-to-me) - [`irc-privmsg-me`](#irc-privmsg-me) - [`irc-notice-me`](#irc-notice-me) - [`irc-unhandled`](#irc-unhandled) - [Contents of the parsed IRC message](#contents-of-the-parsed-irc-message) - [`command`](#command) - [`params`](#params) - [`pipe`](#pipe) - [`who`](#who-1) - [REPOSITORY](#repository) - [BUGS](#bugs) - [AUTHOR](#author) - [LICENSE](#license) # SYNOPSIS ## Client script ```perl6 use IRC::Client; use IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger; IRC::Client.new( :host :channels<#perl6bot #zofbot> :debug :plugins( IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger.new ) ).run; ``` ## Custom plugins ### Basic response to an IRC command: The plugin chain handling the message will stop after this plugin. ```perl6 unit class IRC::Client::Plugin::PingPong is IRC::Client::Plugin; method irc-ping ($irc, $e) { $irc.ssay("PONG {$irc.nick} $e[0]") } ``` ### More involved handling On startup, start sending message `I'm an annoying bot` to all channels every five seconds. We also subscribe to all events and print some debugging info. By returning a special constant, we tell other plugins to continue processing the data. ```perl6 use IRC::Client::Plugin; # import constants unit class IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger is IRC::Client::Plugin; method irc-connected($irc) { Supply.interval( 5, 5 ).tap({ $irc.privmsg($_, "I'm an annoying bot!") for $irc.channels; }) } method irc-all-events ($irc, $e) { say "We've got a private message" if $e eq 'PRIVMSG' and $e[0] eq $irc.nick; # Store arbitrary data in the `pipe` for other plugins to use $e = True if $e eq 'PRIVMSG'; say $e, :indent(4); return IRC_NOT_HANDLED; } ``` # DESCRIPTION ***Note: this is a preview dev release. Things might change and new things might get added rapidly. The first stable version is currently planned to appear by January 3, 2016*** This modules lets you create [IRC clients](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat) in Perl 6. The plugin system lets you work on the behaviour, without worrying about IRC layer. # BLEED BRANCH The master branch of this repository contains the latest working version of the module. To get the bleeding-edge version, you can install from the [bleed branch](https://github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client/tree/bleed), but that code is not always guaranteed to be in working order. # METHODS ## `new` ```perl6 my $irc = IRC::Client.new; ``` ```perl6 # Defaults are shown my $irc = IRC::Client.new( debug => False, host => 'localhost', password => 's3cret', port => 6667, nick => 'Perl6IRC', username => 'Perl6IRC', userhost => 'localhost', userreal => 'Perl6 IRC Client', channels => ['#perl6bot'], plugins => [], plugins-essential => [ IRC::Client::Plugin::PingPong.new ], ); ``` Creates and returns a new `IRC::Client` objects. All arguments are optional and are as follows: ### `debug` ```perl6 debug => True, ``` Takes `True` and `False` values. When set to `True`, debugging information will be printed by the modules on the STDOUT. **Defaults to:** `False` ### `host` ```perl6 host => 'irc.freenode.net', ``` Specifies the hostname of the IRC server to connect to. **Defaults to:** `localhost` ### `password` ```perl6 password => 's3cret', ``` Specifies the password for the IRC server. (on Freenode, for example, this is the NickServ password that identifies to services). **Defaults to:** no password. ### `port` ```perl6 port => 7000, ``` Specifies the port of the IRC server to connect to. **Defaults to:** `6667` ### `nick` ```perl6 nick => 'Perl6IRC', ``` Specifies the nick for the client to use. **Defaults to:** `Perl6IRC` ### `username` ```perl6 username => 'Perl6IRC', ``` Specifies the username for the client to user. **Defaults to:** `Perl6IRC` ### `userhost` ```perl6 userhost => 'localhost', ``` Specifies the hostname for the client to use when sending messages. **Defaults to:** `localhost` (Note: it's probably safe to leave this at default. Currently, this attribute is fluid and might be changed or removed in the future). ### `userreal` ```perl6 userreal => 'Perl6 IRC Client', ``` Specifies the "real name" of the client. **Defaults to:** `Perl6 IRC Client` ### `channels` ```perl6 channels => ['#perl6bot'], ``` Takes an array of channels for the client to join. **Defaults to:** `['#perl6bot']` ### `plugins` ```perl6 plugins => [ IRC::Client::Plugin::Debug.new ], ``` Takes an array of IRC::Client Plugin objects. To run while the client is connected. ### `plugins-essential` ```perl6 plugins-essential => [ IRC::Client::Plugin::PingPong.new ], ``` Same as `plugins`. The only difference is something will be set to these by default, as these plugins are assumed to be essential to proper working order of any IRC client. **Defaults to:** `[ IRC::Client::Plugin::PingPong.new ]` ## `run` $irc.run; Takes no arguments. Starts the IRC client. Exits when the connection to the IRC server ends. # METHODS FOR PLUGINS You can make use of these `IRC::Client` methods in your plugins: ## `.notice` ```perl6 $irc.notice( 'Zoffix', 'Hallo!' ); ``` Sends a `NOTICE` message specified in the second argument to the user/channel specified as the first argument. ## `.privmsg` ```perl6 $irc.privmsg( 'Zoffix', 'Hallo!' ); ``` Sends a `PRIVMSG` message specified in the second argument to the user/channel specified as the first argument. ## `.respond` ```perl6 $irc.respond: :where<#zofbot> :what('Hallo how are you?!') :how :who ; ``` Generates a response based on the provided arguments, which are as follows: ### `where` ```perl6 $irc.respond: :where ... $irc.respond: :where<#zofbot> ... ``` **Mandatory**. Takes either a nickname or a channel name where to send the message to. ### `what` ```perl6 $irc.respond: :what('Hallo how are you?!') ... ``` **Mandatory**. Takes a string, which is the message to be sent. ### `how` ```perl6 $irc.respond: :how ... $irc.respond: :how ... ``` **Optional**. Specifies whether the message should be sent using `PRIVMSG` or `NOTICE` IRC commands. **Valid values** are `privmsg` and `notice` (case-insensitive). ### `who` ```perl6 $irc.respond: :who ... ``` **Optional**. Takes a string with a nickname (which doesn't need to be valid in any way). If the `where` argument is set to a name of a channel, then the method will modify the `what` argument, by prepending `$who, ` to it. ## `.ssay` ```perl6 $irc.ssay("Foo bar!"); ``` Sends a message to the server, automatically appending `\r\n`. Mnemonic: **s**erver **say**. # INCLUDED PLUGINS Currently, this distribution comes with two IRC Client plugins: ## IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger ```perl6 use IRC::Client; use IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger; IRC::Client.new( :host('localhost'), :debug, plugins => [ IRC::Client::Plugin::Debugger.new ] ).run; ``` When run, it will pretty-print all of the events received by the client. It does not stop plugin processing loop after handling a message. ## IRC::Client::Plugin::PingPong ```perl6 use IRC::Client; IRC::Client.new.run; # automatically included in plugins-essential ``` This plugin makes IRC::Client respond to server's C messages and is included in the [`plugins-essential`](#plugins-essential) by default. # EXTENDING IRC::Client / WRITING YOUR OWN PLUGINS ## Overview of the plugin system The core IRC::Client receives and parses IRC protocol messages from the server that it then passes through a plugin chain. The plugins declared in [`plugins-essential`](#plugins-essential) are executed first, followed by plugins in [`plugins`](#plugins). The order is the same as the order specified in those two lists. A plugin can return a [special constant](#return-value-constants) that indicates it handled the message and the plugin chain processing should stop. To subscribe to handle a particular IRC command, a plugin simply declares a method `irc-COMMAND`, where `COMMAND` is the name of the IRC command the plugin wishes to handle. There are also a couple of [special events](#special-events) the plugin can subscribe to, such as intialization during start up or when the client receives a private message or notice. ## Return value constants ```perl6 use IRC::Client::Plugin; unit class IRC::Client::Plugin::Foo is IRC::Client::Plugin; ... ``` To make the constants available in your class, simply `use` IRC::Client::Plugin class. ### `IRC_HANDLED` ```perl6 # Returned by default method irc-ping ($irc, $e) { $irc.ssay("PONG {$irc.nick} $e[0]") } # Explicit return method irc-privmsg ($irc, $e) { return IRC_HANDLED; } ``` Specifies that plugin handled the message and the plugin chain processing should stop immediatelly. Plugins later in the chain won't know this message ever came. Unless you explicitly return [`IRC_NOT_HANDLED`](#irc_not_handled) constant, IRC::Client will assume `IRC_HANDLED` was returned. ### `IRC_NOT_HANDLED` ```perl6 return IRC_NOT_HANDLED; ``` Returning this constant indicates to IRC::Client that your plugin did not "handle" the message and it should be propagated further down the plugin chain for other plugins to handle. ## Subscribing to IRC events ### Standard IRC commands ```perl6 method irc-privmsg ($irc, $e) { ... } method irc-notice ($irc, $e) { ... } method irc-353 ($irc, $e) { ... } ``` To subscribe to an IRC event, simply declare a method named `irc-command`, where `command` is the IRC command you want to handle, in **lower case**. The method takes two positional arguments: an `IRC::Client` object and the [parsed IRC message](#contents-of-the-parsed-irc-message). You'll likely generate a response based on the content of the parsed message and use one of the [METHODS FOR PLUGINS](#methods-for-plugins) to send that response. ## Special Events ```perl6 method irc-start-up ($irc) { ... } # once per client run method irc-connected ($irc) { ... } # once per server connection method irc-all-events ($irc, $e) { ... } method irc-to-me ($irc, $e) { ... } method irc-privmsg-me ($irc, $e) { ... } method irc-notice-me ($irc, $e) { ... } ... # all other handlers for standard IRC commands method irc-unhandled ($irc, $e) { ... } ``` In addition to the [standard IRC commands](#standard-irc-commands), you can register several special cases. They're handled in the event chain in the order shown above (except for [`irc-start-up`](#irc-start-up) and [`irc-connected`](#irc-connected) that do not offect command-triggered events). That is, if a plugin returns [`IRC_HANDLED`](#irc_handled) after processing, say, [`irc-all-events`](#irc-all-events) event, its [`irc-notice-me`](#irc-notice-me) handler won't be triggered, even if it would otherwise. The available special events are as follows: ### `irc-start-up` ```perl6 method irc-start-up ($irc) { ... } ``` Passed IRC::Client object as the only argument. Triggered right when the IRC::Client is [`.run`](#run), which means most of [METHODS FOR PLUGINS](#methods-for-plugins) **cannot** be used, as no connection has been made yet. This event will be issued only once per [`.run`](#run) and the method's return value is discarded. ### `irc-connected` ```perl6 method irc-connected ($irc) { ... } ``` Passed IRC::Client object as the only argument. Triggered right when we get a connection to the server, identify with it and issue `JOIN` commands to enter the channels. Note that at this point it is not guaranteed that the client is already in all the channels it's meant to join. This event will be issued only once per connection to the server and the method's return value is discarded. ### `irc-all-events` ```perl6 method irc-all-events ($irc, $e) { ... } ``` Triggered for all IRC commands received, regardless of their content. As this method will be triggered before any others, you can use this to pre-process the message, for example. ***WARNING:*** **since [`IRC_HANDLED` constant](#irc_handled) is returned by default, if you do not explicitly return [`IRC_NOT_HANDLED`](#irc_not_handled), your client will stop handling ALL other messages *** ### `irc-to-me` ```perl6 method irc-to-me ($irc, $e, $where, $who) { $irc.privmsg: $where, "$who, you talkin' to me?"; } ``` Triggered when: the IRC `PRIVMSG` command is received, where the recipient is the client (as opposed to some channel); the `NOTICE` command is received, or the `PRIVMSG` command is received, where the recipient is the channel and the message begins with client's nickname (i.e. the client was addressed in channel. Along with `IRC::Client` object and the event hash contained in `$e`, this method also receives two additional positional arguments: `$where`, which is where to send the response (will be the channel name or the name of the user who sent the message); and `$who`, which is the nickname of the user who sent the message. ### `irc-privmsg-me` ```perl6 method irc-privmsg-me ($irc, $e) { ... } ``` Triggered when the IRC `PRIVMSG` command is received, where the recipient is the client (as opposed to some channel). ### `irc-notice-me` ```perl6 method irc-notice-me ($irc, $e) { ... } ``` Triggered when the IRC `NOTICE` command is received, where the recipient is the client (as opposed to some channel). ### `irc-unhandled` ```perl6 method irc-unhandled ($irc, $e) { ... } ``` This is the same as [`irc-all-events`](#irc-all-events), except it's triggered **after** all other events were tried. This method can be used to catch any unhandled events. ## Contents of the parsed IRC message ```perl6 # method irc-366 ($irc, $e) { ... } { command => "366".Str, params => [ "Perl6IRC".Str, "#perl6bot".Str, "End of NAMES list".Str, ], pipe => { }, who => { host => "irc.example.net".Str, }, } # method irc-join ($irc, $e) { ... } { command => "JOIN".Str, params => [ "#perl6bot".Str, ], pipe => { }, who => { host => "localhost".Str, nick => "ZoffixW".Str, user => "~ZoffixW".Str, }, } # method irc-privmsg ($irc, $e) { ... } { command => "PRIVMSG".Str, params => [ "#perl6bot".Str, "Perl6IRC, hello!".Str, ], pipe => { }, who => { host => "localhost".Str, nick => "ZoffixW".Str, user => "~ZoffixW".Str, }, } # method irc-notice-me ($irc, $e) { ... } { command => "NOTICE".Str, params => [ "Perl6IRC".Str, "you there?".Str, ], pipe => { }, who => { host => "localhost".Str, nick => "ZoffixW".Str, user => "~ZoffixW".Str, }, } ``` The second argument to event handlers is the parsed IRC message that is a hash with the following keys: ### `command` ```perl6 command => "NOTICE".Str, ``` Contains the IRC command this message represents. ### `params` ```perl6 params => [ "Perl6IRC".Str, "you there?".Str, ], ``` Constains the array of parameters for the IRC command. ### `pipe` ```perl6 pipe => { }, ``` This is a special key that can be used for communication between plugins. While any plugin can modify any key of the parsed command's hash, the provided `pipe` hash is simply a means to provide some standard, agreed-upon name of a key to pass information around. ### `who` ```perl6 #fdss who => { host => "localhost".Str, nick => "ZoffixW".Str, user => "~ZoffixW".Str, }, who => { host => "irc.example.net".Str, }, ``` A hash containing information on who sent the message. Messages sent by the server do not have `nick`/`user` keys specified. # REPOSITORY Fork this module on GitHub: https://github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client # BUGS To report bugs or request features, please use https://github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client/issues # AUTHOR Zoffix Znet (http://zoffix.com/) # LICENSE You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0. See the `LICENSE` file included in this distribution for complete details.