[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client) # NAME IRC::Client - Extendable Internet Relay Chat client # SYNOPSIS ```perl6 use IRC::Client; use Pastebin::Shadowcat; .run with IRC::Client.new: :host :channels<#perl6bot #zofbot> :debug :plugins( class { method irc-to-me ($ where /hello/) { 'Hello to you too!'} } ) :filters( -> $text where .chars > 200 { 'The output is too large to show here. See: ' ~ Pastebin::Shadowcat.new.paste: $text; } ); ``` # DESCRIPTION The module provides the means to create clients to communicate with IRC (Internet Relay Chat) servers. Has support for non-blocking responses and output post-processing. # DOCUMENTATION MAP * [Blog Post](http://perl6.party/post/IRC-Client-Perl-6-Multi-Server-IRC-Module) * [Basics Tutorial](docs/01-basics.md) * [Event Reference](docs/02-event-reference.md) * [Method Reference](docs/03-method-reference.md) * [Big-Picture Behaviour](docs/04-big-picture-behaviour.md) * [Examples](examples/README.md) --- #### REPOSITORY Fork this module on GitHub: https://github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client #### BUGS To report bugs or request features, please use https://github.com/zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client/issues #### AUTHOR Zoffix Znet (http://zoffix.com/) #### LICENSE You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0. See the `LICENSE` file included in this distribution for complete details. The `META6.json` file of this distribution may be distributed and modified without restrictions or attribution.