[[back to main docs]](../README.md#documentation-map) # Method Reference This document describes events available on various objects in use when working with `IRC::Client`. ## Message Objects All event handlers (except for special `irc-started`) receive one positional argument that does `IRC::Client::Message` role and is refered to as the Message Object throughout the documentation. The actual received message object depends on the event the event handler is subscribed to. See [event reference](02-event-reference.md) to learn which message objects an event can receive. ### Message Object Hierarchy All message objects reside in the `IRC::Client::Message` package and follow the following hierarchy, with children having all the methods and attributes of their parents. ``` IRC::Client::Message │ ├───IRC::Client::Message::Join ├───IRC::Client::Message::Nick ├───IRC::Client::Message::Numeric ├───IRC::Client::Message::Part ├───IRC::Client::Message::Ping ├───IRC::Client::Message::Quit ├───IRC::Client::Message::Unknown │ ├───IRC::Client::Message::Mode │  ├───IRC::Client::Message::Mode::Channel │  └───IRC::Client::Message::Mode::Me │ ├───IRC::Client::Message::Notice │  ├───IRC::Client::Message::Notice::Channel │  └───IRC::Client::Message::Notice::Me │ └───IRC::Client::Message::Privmsg   ├───IRC::Client::Message::Privmsg::Channel   └───IRC::Client::Message::Privmsg::Me ``` ### Methods and Attributes Subclasses inherit all the methods and attributes of their parents (see hierarchy chart above). Some event handlers can receive more than one type of a message object. In many cases, the type can be differentiated with a safe-method-call operator (`.?`): ```perl6 method irc-privmsg ($e) { if $e.?channel { say '$e is a IRC::Client::Message::Privmsg::Channel'; } else { say '$e is a IRC::Client::Message::Privmsg::Me'; } } ``` --- #### `IRC::Client::Message` ##### `.irc` Contains the `IRC::Client` object. ##### `.nick` Contains the nick of the sender of the message. ##### `.username` Contains the username of the sender of the message. ##### `.host` Contains the host of the sender of the message. ##### `.usermask` Contains the usermask of the sender of the message. That is string constructed as `nick!username@host` ##### `.command` The IRC command responsible for this event, such as `PRIVMSG` or `001`. ##### `.server` The `IRC::Client::Server` object from which the event originates. ##### `.args` A possibly-empty list of arguments, received for the IRC command that triggered the event. ##### `.Str` (affects stringification of message objects). Returns a string constructed from `":$!usermask $!command $!args[]"`, but is overriden to a different value by some message objects. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Join` ##### `.channel` Contains the channel name of the channel that was joined --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Nick` ##### `.new-nick` Contains the new nick switched to (`.nick` attribute contains the old one). --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Numeric` Does not offer any object-specific methods. Use the `.command` attribute to find out the actual 3-digit IRC command that triggered the event. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Part` ##### `.channel` Contains the channel name of the channel that was parted. Use `.args` attribute to get any potential parting messages. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Ping` **Included in the docs for completeness only.** Used internally. Not sent to any event handlers and `irc-ping` is not a valid event. ##### `.reply` Takes no arguments. Replies to the server with appropriate `PONG` IRC command. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Quit` Does not offer any object-specific methods. Use `.args` attribute to get any potential quit messages. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Unknown` ##### `.Str` Overrides the default stringification string to `"❚⚠❚ :$.usermask $.command $.args[]"` --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Mode` Object is never sent to event handlers and merely provides commonality to its subclasses. ##### `.modes` Contains the modes set by the IRC command that triggered the event. When modes are set on the channel, contains a list of `Pair`s where the key is the sign of the mode (`+` or `-`) and the value if the mode letter itself. When modes are set on the client, contains just a list of modes as strings, without any signs. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Mode::Channel` ##### `.channel` Contains the channel on which the modes were set. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Mode::Me` Does not offer any object-specific methods. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Notice` Object is never sent to event handlers and merely provides commonality to its subclasses. ##### `.text` Writable attribute. Contains the text of the message. ##### `.replied` Writable `Bool` attribute. Automatically gets set to `True` by the `.reply` method. If set to `True`, indicates to the Client Object that the event handler's value must not be used as a reply to the message. ##### `.Str` Overrides stringification of the message object to be the value of the `.text` attribute. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Notice::Channel` ##### `.channel` Contains the channel to which the message was sent. ##### `.reply` ```perl6 $e.reply: "Hello, World!"; $e.reply: "Hello, World!", :where<#perl6>; $e.reply: "Hello, World!", :where; ``` Replies to the sender of the message using the `NOTICE` IRC command. The optional `:where` argument specifies a channel or nick where to send the message and defaults to the channel in which the message originated. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Notice::Me` ##### `.reply` ```perl6 $e.reply: "Hello, World!"; $e.reply: "Hello, World!", :where; $e.reply: "Hello, World!", :where<#perl6>; ``` Replies to the sender of the message using the `NOTICE` IRC command. The optional `:where` argument specifies a nick or channel where to send the message and defaults to the nick from which the message originated. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Privmsg` Object is never sent to event handlers and merely provides commonality to its subclasses. ##### `.text` Writable attribute. Contains the text of the message. ##### `.replied` Writable `Bool` attribute. Automatically gets set to `True` by the `.reply` method. If set to `True`, indicates to the Client Object that the event handler's value must not be used as a reply to the message. ##### `.Str` Overrides stringification of the message object to be the value of the `.text` attribute. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Privmsg::Channel` ##### `.channel` Contains the channel to which the message was sent. ##### `.reply` ```perl6 $e.reply: "Hello, World!"; $e.reply: "Hello, World!", :where<#perl6>; $e.reply: "Hello, World!", :where; ``` Replies to the sender of the message using the `PRIVMSG` IRC command. The optional `:where` argument specifies a channel or nick where to send the message and defaults to the channel in which the message originated. --- #### `IRC::Client::Message::Privmsg::Me` ##### `.reply` ```perl6 $e.reply: "Hello, World!"; $e.reply: "Hello, World!", :where; $e.reply: "Hello, World!", :where<#perl6>; ``` Replies to the sender of the message using the `PRIVMSG` IRC command. The optional `:where` argument specifies a nick or channel where to send the message and defaults to the nick from which the message originated. --- ## Up Next Read [the method reference](03-method-reference.md) next.