use v6; use IRC::Parser; # parse-irc use IRC::Client::Plugin::PingPong; role IRC::Client::Plugin { ... } class IRC::Client:ver<1.001001> { has Bool:D $.debug = False; has Str:D $.host = 'localhost'; has Int:D $.port where 0 <= $_ <= 65535 = 6667; has Str:D $.nick = 'Perl6IRC'; has Str:D $.username = 'Perl6IRC'; has Str:D $.userhost = 'localhost'; has Str:D $.userreal = 'Perl6 IRC Client'; has Str:D @.channels = ['#perl6bot']; has IO::Socket::Async $.sock; has @.plugins = []; has @.plugins-essential = [ ]; method run { await IO::Socket::Async.connect( $!host, $!port ).then({ $!sock = .result; $.ssay("NICK $!nick\n"); $.ssay("USER $!username $!userhost $!host :$!userreal\n"); $.ssay("JOIN $_\n") for @!channels; Supply.interval( .interval ).tap({ $OUTER::_.interval(self) }) for @!plugins.grep(*.interval); react { whenever $!sock.Supply -> $str is copy { $!debug and $str.say; my $messages = parse-irc $str; for @$messages -> $message { .msg(self, $message) for (@!plugins-essential, @!plugins).flat.grep(*.msg); } } } say "Closing connection"; $!sock.close; }); } method ssay (Str:D $msg) { $!sock.print("$msg\n"); self; } method privmsg (Str $who, Str $what) { my $msg = ":$!nick!$!username\@$!userhost PRIVMSG $who :$what\n"; $!debug and say ".privmsg({$msg.subst("\n", "␤", :g)})"; self.ssay: $msg; self; } }