#! /usr/bin/env perl6 use v6.d; use URL::Grammar; use URL::Grammar::Actions; use Test; plan 2; subtest "https://www.tyil.nl", { plan 8; my %match = URL::Grammar.parse("https://www.tyil.nl", actions => URL::Grammar::Actions.new).made; is %match, "https", "Scheme is 'https'"; is %match, "www.tyil.nl", "Hostname is 'www.tyil.nl'"; nok %match, "URL contains no username"; nok %match, "URL contains no password"; nok %match, "URL contains no port"; nok %match, "URL contains no path"; nok %match, "URL contains no query"; nok %match, "URL contains no fragment"; }; subtest "https://tyil:donthackme\@www.tyil.nl:8443/a/path/part?foo=bar&perl=6#module", { plan 8; my %match = URL::Grammar.parse( "https://tyil:donthackme\@www.tyil.nl:8443/a/path/part?foo=bar&perl=6#module", actions => URL::Grammar::Actions.new, ).made; is %match, "https", "Scheme is 'https'"; is %match, "tyil", "Username is 'tyil'"; is %match, "donthackme", "Password is 'donthackme'"; is %match, "www.tyil.nl", "Hostname is 'www.tyil.nl'"; is %match, 8443, "Port is 8443"; is %match, "module", "Fragment is 'module'"; subtest "path", { plan 4; my @path = %match.list; is @path.elems, 3, "Path consists of 3 parts"; is @path[0], "a", "Part 0 is 'a'"; is @path[1], "path", "Part 1 is 'path'"; is @path[2], "part", "Part 2 is 'part'"; } subtest "query", { plan 3; my %query = %match.hash; is %query.elems, 2, "Query consists of 2 parts"; subtest "foo", { plan 2; ok %query:exists, "Query has a key 'foo'"; is %query, "bar", "Value for 'foo' is 'bar'"; } subtest "perl", { plan 2; ok %query:exists, "Query has a key 'perl'"; is %query, "6", "Value for 'perl' is '6'"; } } } # vim: ft=perl6 noet