diff options
authorMike Clarke <clarkema@clarkema.org>2018-11-28 21:40:02 +0000
committerMike Clarke <clarkema@clarkema.org>2018-11-28 21:40:02 +0000
commit68ae5111bbf372a32d1bf62f1ed18d34e0880078 (patch)
parent15147954a05de99c3e84530c711824aa9adf146f (diff)
Fix DMG creation on newer versions of macOS
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/ports/darwin_dmg/package_darwin_dmg.pl b/ports/darwin_dmg/package_darwin_dmg.pl
index c669c39..00ea95b 100755
--- a/ports/darwin_dmg/package_darwin_dmg.pl
+++ b/ports/darwin_dmg/package_darwin_dmg.pl
@@ -63,6 +63,33 @@ die $USAGE if @ARGV != 2
or $mm !~ m{ \A \d{2} \z }msx
or $mm < 1 or $mm > 12;
+# Sadly, Apple decided to remove the `-i` / `--addicon` option from the `sips`
+# utility. Therefore, use of Cocoa is required, which we do via Python,
+# which has the added advantage of creating a _set_ of icons from the source
+# image, scaling as necessary to create a 512 x 512 top resolution icon
+# (whereas sips -i created a single, 128 x 128 icon).
+# Thanks go to https://github.com/mklement0/fileicon/blob/master/bin/fileicon
+# and https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/161984/28668
+# Note: setIcon_forFile_options_() seemingly always indicates True, even with
+# invalid image files, so we attempt no error handling in the Python code.
+sub set_icon {
+ croak if not @_;
+ my ($img_file, $target_file) = @_;
+ print "Setting icon for $target_file\n" if $opt_verbose;
+ my $rc = system(qq{/usr/bin/python - "$img_file" "$target_file" <<'EOF'
+import Cocoa
+import sys
+Cocoa.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().setIcon_forFile_options_(Cocoa.NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_(sys.argv[1].decode('utf-8')), sys.argv[2].decode('utf-8'), 0)
+ });
+ die if $rc != 0;
sub run {
croak if not @_;
my (@command) = @_;
@@ -134,9 +161,7 @@ run "cp -pr ../../../docs '$vol_dir/Docs'";
run "touch '$vol_dir/Rakudo/Icon\r'";
run "cp ../2000px-Camelia.svg.icns $vol_dir/.VolumeIcon.icns";
-run "sips -i $vol_dir/.VolumeIcon.icns";
-run "DeRez -only icns $vol_dir/.VolumeIcon.icns > tempicns.rsrc";
-run "Rez -append tempicns.rsrc -o '$vol_dir/Rakudo/bin/perl6'";
+set_icon "../2000px-Camelia.svg.icns", "$vol_dir/Rakudo/bin/perl6";
run "mkdir $vol_dir/.background";
run "cp ../installerbg.png $vol_dir/.background";
run "SetFile -c icnC '$vol_dir/.VolumeIcon.icns'";
@@ -144,7 +169,6 @@ run "SetFile -a C '$vol_dir'";
run "SetFile -a C '$vol_dir/Rakudo'";
run "SetFile -a C '$vol_dir/Rakudo/bin/perl6'";
run "SetFile -a V '$vol_dir/Rakudo/Icon\r'";
-run "rm tempicns.rsrc";
print ">>> Adjusting sizes and positions in installation window\n";