path: root/build/Configure.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/Configure.pl')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/Configure.pl b/build/Configure.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e687e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/Configure.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#! perl
+# Copyright (C) 2009 The Perl Foundation
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd;
+MAIN: {
+ my %options;
+ GetOptions(\%options, 'help!', 'parrot-config=s', 'makefile-timing!',
+ 'gen-parrot!', 'prefix=s', 'gen-parrot-option=s@');
+ # Print help if it's requested
+ if ($options{'help'}) {
+ print_help();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ # Determine the revision of Parrot we require
+ open my $REQ, '<', "build/PARROT_REVISION"
+ or die "cannot open build/PARROT_REVISION: $!\n";
+ my ($reqsvn, $reqpar) = split(' ', <$REQ>);
+ $reqsvn += 0;
+ close $REQ;
+ # Update/generate parrot build if needed
+ if ($options{'gen-parrot'}) {
+ my @opts = @{ $options{'gen-parrot-option'} || [] };
+ my $prefix = $options{'prefix'} || cwd()."/install";
+ # parrot's Configure.pl mishandles win32 backslashes in --prefix
+ $prefix =~ s{\\}{/}g;
+ my @command = ($^X, "build/gen_parrot.pl", "--prefix=$prefix", ($^O !~ /win32/i ? "--optimize" : ()), @opts);
+ print "Generating Parrot ...\n";
+ print "@command\n\n";
+ system @command;
+ }
+ # Get a list of parrot-configs to invoke.
+ my @parrot_config_exe = qw(
+ install/bin/parrot_config
+ parrot_config
+ );
+ if (exists $options{'prefix'}) {
+ unshift @parrot_config_exe,
+ $options{'prefix'} . '/bin/parrot_config';
+ }
+ if ($options{'parrot-config'} && $options{'parrot-config'} ne '1') {
+ @parrot_config_exe = ($options{'parrot-config'});
+ }
+ # Get configuration information from parrot_config
+ my %config = read_parrot_config(@parrot_config_exe);
+ my $parrot_errors = '';
+ if (!%config) {
+ $parrot_errors .= "Unable to locate parrot_config\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($reqsvn > $config{'revision'} &&
+ ($reqpar eq '' || version_int($reqpar) > version_int($config{'VERSION'}))) {
+ $parrot_errors .= "Parrot revision r$reqsvn required (currently r$config{'revision'})\n";
+ }
+ if ($parrot_errors) {
+ die <<"END";
+To automatically build the version of Parrot that came with this
+distribution ($reqpar), try re-running Configure.pl with the
+'--gen-parrot' option. Or, use the '--parrot-config' option to
+explicitly specify the location of parrot_config to be used to
+build Rakudo Star.
+ }
+ # Verify the Parrot installation is sufficient for building Rakudo
+ verify_parrot(%config);
+ # Create the Makefile using the information we just got
+ create_makefile($options{'makefile-timing'}, %config);
+ my $make = $config{'make'};
+ {
+ no warnings;
+ print "Cleaning up ...\n";
+ if (open my $CLEAN, '-|', "$make clean") {
+ my @slurp = <$CLEAN>;
+ close $CLEAN;
+ }
+ }
+ print <<"END";
+You can now use '$make' to build Rakudo Perl.
+After that, you can use '$make test' to run some local tests,
+or '$make spectest' to check out (via svn) a copy of the Perl 6
+official test suite and run its tests.
+ exit 0;
+sub read_parrot_config {
+ my @parrot_config_exe = @_;
+ my %config = ();
+ for my $exe (@parrot_config_exe) {
+ no warnings;
+ if (open my $PARROT_CONFIG, '-|', "$exe --dump") {
+ print "\nReading configuration information from $exe ...\n";
+ while (<$PARROT_CONFIG>) {
+ if (/(\w+) => '(.*)'/) { $config{$1} = $2 }
+ }
+ close $PARROT_CONFIG or die $!;
+ last if %config;
+ }
+ }
+ return %config;
+sub verify_parrot {
+ print "Verifying Parrot installation...\n";
+ my %config = @_;
+ my $EXE = $config{'exe'};
+ my $PARROT_BIN_DIR = $config{'bindir'};
+ my $PARROT_VERSION = $config{'versiondir'};
+ my $PARROT_LIB_DIR = $config{'libdir'}.$PARROT_VERSION;
+ my $PARROT_SRC_DIR = $config{'srcdir'}.$PARROT_VERSION;
+ my $PARROT_INCLUDE_DIR = $config{'includedir'}.$PARROT_VERSION;
+ my @required_files = (
+ "$PARROT_LIB_DIR/library/PGE/Perl6Grammar.pbc",
+ "$PARROT_LIB_DIR/library/PCT/HLLCompiler.pbc",
+ "$PARROT_BIN_DIR/ops2c".$EXE,
+ "$PARROT_TOOLS_DIR/build/pmc2c.pl",
+ "$PARROT_SRC_DIR/pmc",
+ );
+ my @missing = map { " $_" } grep { ! -e } @required_files;
+ if (@missing) {
+ my $missing = join("\n", @missing);
+ die <<"END";
+I'm missing some needed files from the Parrot installation:
+(Perhaps you need to use Parrot's "make install-dev" or
+install the "parrot-devel" package for your system?)
+ }
+# Generate a Makefile from a configuration
+sub create_makefile {
+ my ($makefile_timing, %config) = @_;
+ my $maketext = slurp( 'build/Makefile.in' );
+ $config{'stagestats'} = $makefile_timing ? '--stagestats' : '';
+ $config{'win32_libparrot_copy'} = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'copy $(PARROT_BIN_DIR)\libparrot.dll .' : '';
+ $maketext =~ s/@(\w+)@/$config{$1}/g;
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ $maketext =~ s{/}{\\}g;
+ $maketext =~ s{\\\*}{\\\\*}g;
+ $maketext =~ s{http:\S+}{ do {my $t = $&; $t =~ s'\\'/'g; $t} }eg;
+ }
+ if ($makefile_timing) {
+ $maketext =~ s{(?<!\\\n)^\t(?!\s*-?cd)(?=[^\n]*\S)}{\ttime }mg;
+ }
+ my $outfile = 'Makefile';
+ print "\nCreating $outfile ...\n";
+ open(my $MAKEOUT, '>', $outfile) ||
+ die "Unable to write $outfile\n";
+ print {$MAKEOUT} $maketext;
+ close $MAKEOUT or die $!;
+ return;
+sub slurp {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Unable to read $filename\n";
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $maketext = <$fh>;
+ close $fh or die $!;
+ return $maketext;
+sub version_int {
+ sprintf('%d%03d%03d', split(/\./, $_[0]))
+# Print some help text.
+sub print_help {
+ print <<'END';
+Configure.pl - Rakudo Configure
+General Options:
+ --help Show this text
+ --gen-parrot Download and build a copy of Parrot to use
+ --gen-parrot-option='--option=value'
+ Set parrot config option when using --gen-parrot
+ --parrot-config=/path/to/parrot_config
+ Use config information from parrot_config executable
+Experimental developer's options:
+ --makefile-timing Insert 'time' command all over in the Makefile
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: cperl
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: