path: root/tools/build/module-install.pl
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-12-05Skip testing phase when installing Rakudo StarPatrick Spek1-3/+9
2019-11-11Rewrite module-installPatrick Spek1-10/+20
After some debugging, it appeared to be the options to disable certain sources that caused issues with the command from running in the old fashion. Let's see if keeping the rest is going to fix Linenoise.
2019-11-07Revert changes to module-install.plPatrick Spek1-1/+3
Linenoise fails to install for everyone, and this script may be the cause. To test this out, the easiest thing to do would be reverting this file, and see if things work fine now.
2019-10-31Update zef command for installing bundled modulesPatrick Spek1-2/+0
2019-10-30Use --/test for module installationsPatrick Spek1-1/+1
2017-01-21don't access the network for modules ugexe++Steve Mynott1-1/+2
2017-01-21Skip [build&test]-dependsNick Logan1-3/+5
2017-01-21args for zefSteve Mynott1-1/+1
2016-07-29Panda: Don't try to resolve depenciesHinrik Örn Sigurðsson1-1/+1
Without this, Panda tries to access the network to resolve the deps for some modules (16 out of 32 at the moment), leading to them getting skipped when Rakudo is installed without a network connection. There's no need to resolve dependencies anyway since modules/MODULES.txt takes care of listing modules in the correct order. Here's what you otherwise get without a network connection: ``` ==> Installing NativeHelpers::Blob from a local directory 'modules/NativeHelpers-Blob' ==> Fetching NativeHelpers::Blob ==> Building NativeHelpers::Blob ==> Testing NativeHelpers::Blob ==> Installing NativeHelpers::Blob ==> Successfully installed NativeHelpers::Blob ==> Installing DBIish from a local directory 'modules/DBIish' Could not download module metadata: Failed to connect: network is unreachable. Falling back to the curl command. curl: (7) couldn't connect to host curl failed: The spawned process exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 7). Falling back to the wget command. wget failed as well: The spawned process exited unsuccessfully (exit code: -1). Sorry, have to give up. in block at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/sources/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E (Panda::Ecosystem) line 138 in any at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/precomp/03419F43BFFCE0AEDE2CD622AE91E8513382EF49.1469791050.00666/A1/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E line 1 in block at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/sources/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E (Panda::Ecosystem) line 134 in any at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/precomp/03419F43BFFCE0AEDE2CD622AE91E8513382EF49.1469791050.00666/A1/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E line 1 in block at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/sources/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E (Panda::Ecosystem) line 128 in any at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/precomp/03419F43BFFCE0AEDE2CD622AE91E8513382EF49.1469791050.00666/A1/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E line 1 in method update at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/sources/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E (Panda::Ecosystem) line 94 in method init-projects at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/sources/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E (Panda::Ecosystem) line 48 in method get-project at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/sources/A1870B677797BB95A44CD4B9000A4C998866C47E (Panda::Ecosystem) line 152 in method get-deps at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/sources/582CB7486602954A4601BDCE5A0EAC54B05DA58A (Panda) line 181 in method resolve at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/sources/582CB7486602954A4601BDCE5A0EAC54B05DA58A (Panda) line 224 in sub MAIN at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/resources/E0D978079BB5081DE986D058BB8AB08252F05CC8 line 18 in block <unit> at /usr/local/booking-perl/5.14.2/site/lib/auto/Fake/Perl6/share/perl6/site/resources/E0D978079BB5081DE986D058BB8AB08252F05CC8 line 151 ```
2016-07-19fix local module install on windows2016.07Steve Mynott1-1/+4
2016-01-27revert using --bindir when installing pandaTobias Leich1-2/+1
We can install panda and the binaries of the Star dist into install/bin, though when the user later installs binaries or updates panda, these would go into install/share/perl6/site/bin by default. Since there is currently no sane way to prevent that, we just install non-core stuff info [...]/site/bin, and the user will have to add two paths to PATH.
2016-01-27first working post 6.c starTobias Leich1-107/+6
2014-08-30precompile files just get compext appended nowTobias Leich1-3/+1
2014-03-29Require file extension to be at end of filenameAndrew Egeler1-2/+2
2014-03-17Actually take/use the output extension.jnthn1-1/+2
2014-03-17baby steps towards tri-module-install.Timo Paulssen1-2/+3
2013-11-23precompilation order: consider requireMoritz Lenz1-1/+1
2012-12-19Set PERL6LIB to destination dir when precompilingRob Hoelz1-9/+13
This allows package managers to install modules to a staging directory with the process blowing up
2012-08-31Skip blank lines and comment lines in input to module-install.pl.pmichaud1-0/+1
2012-08-31Add better progress messages to module installation.pmichaud1-0/+1
2012-08-28Convert module-install to read modules from MODULES.txt .pmichaud1-4/+4
2012-08-28Move skel/ into top-level directory, to try building directly from the repo.pmichaud1-0/+112