# Rakudo Star Rakudo Star is a user-oriented distribution of the Raku programming language, and a number of common community modules. This git repository contains _only_ the tools needed to create a Rakudo Star distribution, not the sources of individual components of the distribution. These are fetched when you build the distribution tarball. The `tar` files available from `github.com` for MoarVM, NQP and Rakudo are NOT suitable for building Rakudo Star; do not use them. Instead, use the tarballs found on the individual projects' sites, which correctly contain all the utilities and dependencies used by them. ## Get Rakudo Star To get the latest release of Rakudo Star, please download the corresponding file depending on your platform. - [Linux](https://rakudo.org/latest/star/source) - [Windows](https://rakudo.org/latest/star/win64) - [macOS](https://rakudo.org/latest/star/macos) ## Build Rakudo Star If you're a Rakudo Star release manager, or someone who wants to create a user-friendly Raku distribution based on the tools here, check the `guides` directory. This contains documentation on how to make a Rakudo Star tarball, as well as information on how to create Windows `.msi` and MacOS `.dmg` packages. ### Quickstart export VERSION=quickstart # Update to whatever version number you want to use ./bin/mkrelease.sh "$VERSION" mkdir -p work/build tar xzf "work/release/rakudo-star-$VERSION.tar.gz" -C work/build cd "work/build/rakudo-star-$VERSION" perl Configure.pl --prefix="../../install" --backend=moar --gen-moar --make-install If you're satisfied, you probably want to generate checksums and a detached PGP signature for the release. ./bin/mkchecksum "work/release/rakudo-star-$VERSION.tar.gz" gpg --armor --detach-sign "work/release/rakudo-star-$VERSION.tar.gz"