#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @modules = qw( http://github.com/rakudo/rakudo http://github.com/jnthn/zavolaj http://github.com/jnthn/blizkost http://github.com/mberends/fakedbi http://github.com/masak/svg http://github.com/moritz/svg-plot http://github.com/moritz/Math-RungeKutta http://github.com/moritz/Math-Model ); chdir 'dist' or die "Can't chdir to build dir: $!"; for my $m (@modules) { my $git_url = $m; $git_url =~ s/^http/git/; $git_url .= '.git'; my $return = system 'git', 'clone', $git_url; if ($return) { if ($? == -1) { warn "Error while running 'git clone $git_url': $?\n"; } else { warn "Git returned unsuccessfully with return code " . ($? >> 8) . "\n"; } next; } } # for projects of which we want to ship specific tags or branches # the right-hand side can be anything that 'git checkout' accepts, # so a branch name, tag name, sha1 sum, HEAD~3 ( not quite sane, # but possible ) # # XXX we want rakudo 2010.07 of course, but that will give an error now my %tags = ( rakudo => '2010.06' ); while (my ($project, $version) = each %tags) { chdir $project or die "Can't chdir to '$project': $!"; system('git', 'checkout', $version) == 0 or die "Can't git checkout $version: $?"; chdir '..' or die "Can't chdir back to dist/ folder: $!"; } # TODO: copy docs, build scripts, whatever