=head1 Guide to building DMG packages Rakudo Star releases are based on Rakudo compiler releases. Since some time is often needed for module updates and testing after each Rakudo compiler release, the timing of Star releases varies from one release to the next. The dmg packages are based on these Star releases. Also, while the Rakudo compiler issues monthly releases; Star releases are free to choose a longer release cycle. Star releases are also free to choose older releases of the compiler, NQP, and/or MoarVM. The goal is to balance end-user stability needs with progress being made on the compiler, modules, and other runtime components. =head2 Steps to create an DMG package A C<.dmg> is a file extension used for an Apple Disk Image which is the most popular way of running an installer on the Mac desktop If this is your first time releasing, B. That way you can ask questions and clear up any confusions before you're in the thick of it. If you have done this before, you might want to check for and read any changes to this release guide since your last run. =over 4 =item Step 0 Download and install C from Apple if you don't already have the C C compiler installed. This process was tested on OS X 10.11.x as a build system using clang-700.1.76 and the result is known to run on as least far back as OS X 10.9 (and probably further). =item Step 1 Use your browser to download the latest star release, replace YYYY.MM by year and month: https://rakudo.perl6.org/downloads/star/rakudo-star-YYYY.MM.tar.gz Unpack this C<.tar.gz> to your hard disk. You will get a folder C, again YYYY.MM is year and month of the star release. =item Step 2 Change the path to the directory created in the previous step, and run: cd ports/darwin_dmg perl package_darwin_dmg.pl --build -v YYYY MM This should automatically compile the MoarVM version of star and all modules and create the C<.dmg> In theory this all that needs doing and you can jump to step 4 below. =item Step 3 Watch the scrollback for errors. If the build is interrupted you will have to manually C in the top level directory before rerunning the previous step. Note the C<--build> option will automatically delete the binary destination directory of C if it exists before running but leaves it in place after finishing. Omitting the C<--build> option will just rebuild the C<.dmg> from C which is useful when debugging the final stage of C<.dmg> build since it's much faster. =item Step 4 A correct build will create C To sanity test open Temp_build/Rakudo-Star-YYYY-MM.dmg This should automount C and open a Finder window with a background image of Camelia and "Drag the Rakudo Folder to Applications" containing a README.txt, a Rakudo folder, Docs folder and a folder representing a sym link to Applications. Delete the directory used to create the C<.dmg>. rm -rf /Applications/Rakudo Now dragging the C folder to the Applications Link folder (with arrow) should repopulate C. Append your C as suggested in the C and look for reasonable output from the following kind of commands. perl6 -e "say 'hello'" zef list --installed p6doc -l =item Step 5 Stop the release process if you see serious issues with no obvious fix and post them to the IRC channel or mailing list. If you alter scripts recommit them. =item Step 6 Generate a SHA256 sum: sha256sum rakudo-star-YYYY.MM.dmg | cut -f1 -d" " > rakudo-star-YYYY.MM.dmg.sha256.txt =item Step 7 Generate a GPG signature for the DMG file: gpg --armor --detach-sig rakudo-star-YYYY.MM.dmg This will create C. =item Step 8 Upload the dmg and SHA256 to L: rsync -avz rakudo-star-YYYY.MM.dmg* rakudo@www.p6c.org:public_html/downloads/star If you don't have permission to do this step, please ask one(pmichaud, jnthn, masak, PerlJam/perlpilot, tadzik, moritz) on C<#perl6> to do it for you. =item Step 9 Publicize the dmg packages in the appropriate places. These include: =over 4 =item * rakudo.org =item * #perl6 =back =item Step 10 You're done! Celebrate with the appropriate amount of fun. =back =cut