#!/usr/bin/env bash RSTAR_DEPS_BIN+=( git tar ) action() { local version="${1:-$(date +%Y.%m)}" WORKDIR="$BASEDIR/tmp/rakudo-star-$version" info "Creating distribution contents at $WORKDIR" cd -- "$BASEDIR" # Include files from this project for file in $(git ls-files) do dist_include "/$file" done # Include the sources of all components for src in dist/src/* do dist_include "/$src" done # Add a MANIFEST.txt cd -- "$WORKDIR" find . > MANIFEST.txt # Tar it all up into a distribution tarball info "Creating tarball out of $WORKDIR" local tarball="$BASEDIR/dist/rakudo-star-$version.tar.gz" mkdir -p -- "$(dirname "$tarball")" cd -- "$BASEDIR/tmp" tar czf "$tarball" "rakudo-star-$version" info "Distribution tarball available at $tarball" } dist_include() { mkdir -p -- "$(dirname "${WORKDIR}$1")" cp -r -- "${BASEDIR}$1" "${WORKDIR}$1" }