1. Drag the Rakudo_Star folder onto the Applications folder. 2. In a Terminal window, type this command: alias p6='/Applications/Rakudo_Star/bin/perl6' ( This step only affects this one window; to make available to all future sessions, add the line to your ~/.bash_profile file. ) You can now run a Perl 6 program like this: p6 filename or run code directly from the command-line with the -e option: p6 -e 'your code here' Try this: p6 -e 'say "Hello, world!";' You can always skip the alias and use the full path: /Applications/Rakudo_Star/bin/perl6 -e 'say "Hello, world!";' or alternately, add Rakudo Star to your path: PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Rakudo_Star/bin perl6 -e 'say "Hello, world!";' See also README in /Applications/Rakudo_Star/docs/rakudo/README .