1. You will need to relax security permissions under "System Prefs>Security & Privacy>General" to allow the use of unsigned third party apps. 2. Drag the 'Rakudo' folder onto the '/Applications' folder. Note this is the root Applications directory and other locations won't work. 3. Drag the 'Docs' folder somewhere. 4. In a Terminal window add Rakudo Star to your path: export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Rakudo/bin:/Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/bin Test with: perl6 -e 'say "Hello, world!";' 5. Add the 'export' line above to .bash_profile or similar to persist. 6. Useful commands are 'p6doc' and 'panda'. 7. See also the documents in the 'Docs' folder and http://perl6.org