#! perl use warnings; use strict; use File::Find; use File::Copy; use File::Path; use File::Basename; my $perl6bin = shift @ARGV; my $perl6lib = shift @ARGV; my @pmfiles; my @mod_pms; while (@ARGV) { my $module = shift @ARGV; print "== Installing module $module\n"; our $mlib = "$module/lib"; @mod_pms = (); find({ no_chdir=>1, wanted => \&libcopy }, $mlib); sub libcopy { return unless /\.pm6?/; my $source = $File::Find::name; my $target = $source; $target =~ s/\Q$mlib\E/$perl6lib/; print "$source => $target\n"; mkpath dirname($target); copy($source, $target) or die "copy failed: $!\n"; push @mod_pms, $target; } my %usages_of; my @modules; my %module_to_path; for my $module_file (@mod_pms) { open(my $fh, '<', $module_file) or die $!; my $module = path_to_module_name($module_file); push @modules, $module; $module_to_path{$module} = $module_file; $usages_of{$module} = []; while (<$fh>) { if (/^\s* use \s+ (\w+ (?: :: \w+)*)/x and my $used = $1) { next if $used eq 'v6'; next if $used eq 'MONKEY_TYPING'; push @{$usages_of{$module}}, $used; } } } my @order = topo_sort(\@modules, \%usages_of); my @sources = map { $module_to_path{$_} } @order; push @pmfiles, @sources; } # Internally, we treat the module names as module names, '::' and all. # But since they're really files externally, they have to be converted # from paths to module names, and back again. sub path_to_module_name { $_ = shift; s/^.+\blib\///; s/^.+\blib6\///; s/\.pm6?$//; s/\//::/g; $_; } chdir 'rakudo'; foreach my $pm (@pmfiles) { my $out = $pm; $out =~ s/\.pm6?$/.pir/; my @cmd = ($perl6bin, '--target=pir', "--output=$out", $pm); print join(' ', @cmd), "\n"; system(@cmd); } # According to "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen et al., topological # sort is just a depth-first search of a graph where you pay attention to # the order in which you get done with a dfs-visit() for each node. sub topo_sort { my ($modules, $dependencies) = @_; my @modules = @$modules; my @order; my %color_of = map { $_ => 'not yet visited' } @modules; for my $module (@modules) { if ($color_of{$module} eq 'not yet visited') { dfs_visit($module, \%color_of, $dependencies, \@order); } } return @order; } sub dfs_visit { my $module = shift; my $color_of = shift; my $dependencies = shift; my $order = shift; $color_of->{$module} = 'visited'; for my $used (@{$dependencies->{$module}}) { if ($color_of->{$used} eq 'not yet visited') { dfs_visit($used, $color_of, $dependencies, $order); } } push @$order, $module; }