my %depended-on :=; my @has-names; use JSON::Fast; for qx{ ls modules/*/META* }.lines -> $jf { my $data = from-json(slurp($jf)); # list module as available @has-names.push($data); # these three can contain dependencies for -> $_ { # but some of them are optional next unless $data{$_}:exists; my $val = $data{$_}; # and sometimes they are just an empty array in the json blob. next if $val.elems == 0; # record every dependency in our set %depended-on{@$val}>>++; } } # exclude a few modules: # Panda doesn't have a # Test is shipped with Rakudo # NativeCall is also shipped with rakudo # nqp isn't really a module. my @missing = %depended-on (-) @has-names (-) ; with @missing { say "There are some modules that are depended on, but not in the modules list."; .say for @missing; } else { say "the modules seem to be sane."; }