#!/usr/bin/env bash playbook_add() { # TODO: Abort if backup.key is not set yet pkg install borg pkg install borgmatic # Create a `borg1` for compatability with rsync.net ln -s /usr/bin/borg /usr/local/bin/borg1 playbook_sync info "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Don't forget to add \`sysbackup\` to your crontab!" } playbook_sync() { local config config="$(getent passwd "$(config "backup.user")" | awk -F: '{ print $6 }')/.config/borgmatic/config.yaml" mkdir -pv -- "$(dirname "$config")" notice "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Installing backup script" file_template "backup.bash" \ > /usr/local/bin/sysbackup chmod +x -- /usr/local/bin/sysbackup # This is not going to be pretty, generating a YAML document from # straight Bash, but the simple sed-based templating in Bashtard # doesn't do loops, so this is the best I can do here. notice "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Generating borgmatic configuration" printf "location:\n" > "$config" printf " source_directories:\n" >> "$config" while read -r cpath do printf ' - "%s"\n' "$(config "$cpath")" >> "$config" done < <(config_subkeys "backup.fs.paths") printf " repositories:\n" >> "$config" while read -r cremote do printf ' - "%s"\n' "$(config "$cremote")" >> "$config" done < <(config_subkeys "backup.fs.remotes") printf " one_file_system: true\n" >> "$config" printf " remote_path: borg1\n" >> "$config" # rsync.net wont work without this printf "storage:\n" >> "$config" printf " encryption_passphrase: \"%s\"\n" "$(config "backup.key")" >> "$config" printf "retention:\n" >> "$config" printf " keep_daily: 7\n" >> "$config" printf " keep_weekly: 4\n" >> "$config" printf " keep_monthly: 6\n" >> "$config" printf " keep_yearly: 1\n" >> "$config" } playbook_del() { pkg uninstall borgmatic pkg uninstall borg rm -f -- /usr/local/bin/sysbackup }