#!/usr/bin/env bash playbook_add() { pkg install k3s info "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Writing config.yaml for k3s" mkdir -pv -- /etc/rancher/k3s cat <<-EOF > /etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml node-name: ${BASHTARD_PLATFORM[fqdn]} node-ip: $(config "k3s.network.ip" "$(config "vpn.ipv4" "")") bind-address: $(config "k3s.network.bind" "$(config "vpn.ipv4" "")") cluster-cidr: $(config "k3s.network.cidr.pods") service-cidr: $(config "k3s.network.cidr.svcs") cluster-dns: $(config "k3s.network.service.dns") cluster-domain: $(config "k3s.domain") disable: - traefik EOF info "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Installing k3s" curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh - # I hate this curl -L https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases/download/v0.31.5/flux_0.31.5_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C /usr/local/bin notice "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Waiting for node to become available" { grep -q -m 1 "${BASHTARD_PLATFORM[fqdn]}[[:space:]]\+Ready"; kill $!; } < <(k3s kubectl get node -w) info "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Installing flux-system on k3s" flux bootstrap git \ --branch="$(config "k3s.flux.repo.branch")" \ --cluster-domain="$(config "k3s.domain")" \ --kubeconfig=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \ --path="$(config "k3s.flux.repo.path")" \ --private-key-file=$HOME/.ssh/id.d/root@edephas-ed25519 \ --silent \ --url="$(config "k3s.flux.repo.url")" # Just debugging flux-system for now return 0 info "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Applying sealed-secrets manifest to k3s" k3s kubectl apply -Rf "$BASHTARD_ETCDIR/playbooks.d/$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK/share/system/sealed-secrets" info "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Waiting for sealedsecrets.bitnami.com CRDs to become available" { grep -q -m 1 "sealedsecrets.bitnami.com"; kill $!; } < <(k3s kubectl get crd -w) playbook_sync } playbook_sync() { info "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Applying system manifests" k3s kubectl apply -Rf "$BASHTARD_ETCDIR/playbooks.d/$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK/share/system" info "$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK" "Applying app manifests" k3s kubectl apply -R -n argocd -f "$BASHTARD_ETCDIR/playbooks.d/$BASHTARD_PLAYBOOK/share/apps" } playbook_del() { /usr/local/bin/k3s-uninstall.sh }