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1 files changed, 26 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/camelcasemotion.vim b/autoload/camelcasemotion.vim
index 9f3b598..6b6dd50 100644
--- a/autoload/camelcasemotion.vim
+++ b/autoload/camelcasemotion.vim
@@ -17,6 +17,30 @@
" file creation
"- functions ------------------------------------------------------------------"
+let s:forward_to_end_list = []
+call add(s:forward_to_end_list, '\m\d\+') " number
+call add(s:forward_to_end_list, '\u\+\ze\%(\u\l\|\d\)') " ALLCAPS followed by CamelCase or number
+call add(s:forward_to_end_list, '\l\+\ze\%(\u\|\d\)') " lowercase followed by ALLCAPS
+call add(s:forward_to_end_list, '\u\l\+') " CamelCase
+call add(s:forward_to_end_list, '\%(\a\|\d\)\+\ze[-_]') " underscore_notation
+call add(s:forward_to_end_list, '\%(\k\@!\S\)\+') " non-keyword
+call add(s:forward_to_end_list, '\%([-_]\@!\k\)\+\>') " word
+let s:forward_to_end = join(s:forward_to_end_list, '\|')
+let s:forward_to_next_list = []
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\m\<\D') " word
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '^$') " empty line
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\%(^\|\s\)\+\zs\k\@!\S') " non-keyword after whitespaces
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\>\<') " non-whitespace after word
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\d\+') " number
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\l\+\zs\%(\u\|\d\)') " lowercase followed by capital letter or number
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\u\+\zs\%(\u\l\|\d\)') " ALLCAPS followed by CamelCase or number
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\u\l\+') " CamelCase
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\u\@<!\u\+') " ALLCAPS
+call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '[-_]\zs\%(\u\+\|\u\l\+\|\l\+\|\d\+\)') " underscored followed by ALLCAPS, CamelCase, lowercase, or number
+let s:forward_to_next = join(s:forward_to_next_list, '\|')
function! s:Move(direction, count, mode)
" Note: There is no inversion of the regular expression character class
" 'keyword character' (\k). We need an inversion "non-keyword" defined as
@@ -31,7 +55,7 @@ function! s:Move(direction, count, mode)
" "Forward to end" motion.
" number | ACRONYM followed by CamelCase or number | CamelCase | underscore_notation | non-keyword | word
let l:direction = (a:direction == 'e' ? a:direction : 'be')
- call search('\m\d\+\|\u\+\ze\%(\u\l\|\d\)\|\l\+\ze\%(\u\|\d\)\|\u\l\+\|\%(\a\|\d\)\+\ze[-_]\|\%(\k\@!\S\)\+\|\%([-_]\@!\k\)\+\>', 'W' . l:direction)
+ call search(s:forward_to_end, 'W' . l:direction)
" Note: word must be defined as '\k\>'; '\>' on its own somehow
" dominates over the previous branch. Plus, \k must exclude the
" underscore, or a trailing one will be incorrectly moved over:
@@ -65,7 +89,7 @@ function! s:Move(direction, count, mode)
let l:direction = (a:direction == 'w' ? '' : a:direction)
" word | empty line | non-keyword after whitespaces | non-whitespace after word | number | lowercase folowed by capital letter or number | ACRONYM followed by CamelCase or number | CamelCase | ACRONYM | underscore followed by ACRONYM, Camel, lowercase or number
- call search( '\m\<\D\|^$\|\%(^\|\s\)\+\zs\k\@!\S\|\>\<\|\d\+\|\l\+\zs\%(\u\|\d\)\|\u\+\zs\%(\u\l\|\d\)\|\u\l\+\|\u\@<!\u\+\|[-_]\zs\%(\u\+\|\u\l\+\|\l\+\|\d\+\)', 'W' . l:direction)
+ call search(s:forward_to_next, 'W' . l:direction)
" Note: word must be defined as '\<\D' to avoid that a word like
" 1234Test is moved over as [1][2]34[T]est instead of [1]234[T]est
" because \< matches with zero width, and \d\+ will then start