path: root/plugin
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1 files changed, 12 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/camelcasemotion.vim b/plugin/camelcasemotion.vim
index 9cae4bd..879972b 100644
--- a/plugin/camelcasemotion.vim
+++ b/plugin/camelcasemotion.vim
@@ -146,26 +146,13 @@ let g:loaded_camelcasemotion = 1
" We do not provide the fourth "backward to end" motion (,E), because it is
" seldomly used.
-function! s:CreateMotionMappings()
- " Create mappings according to this template:
- " (* stands for the mode [nov], ? for the underlying motion [wbe].)
- "
- " *noremap <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_? :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('?',v:count1,'*')<CR>
- " if ! hasmapto('<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_?', '*')
- " *map <silent> ,? <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_?
- " endif
- for l:mode in ['n', 'o', 'v']
- for l:motion in ['w', 'b', 'e', 'ge']
- let l:targetMapping = '<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_' . l:motion
- execute l:mode . 'noremap <silent> ' . l:targetMapping . ' :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion(''' . l:motion . ''',v:count1,''' . l:mode . ''')<CR>'
- if ! hasmapto(l:targetMapping, l:mode)
- execute (l:mode ==# 'v' ? 'x' : l:mode) . 'map <silent> <leader>' . l:motion . ' ' . l:targetMapping
- endif
- endfor
+for s:mode in ['n', 'o', 'v']
+ for s:motion in ['w', 'b', 'e', 'ge']
+ let s:targetMapping = '<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_' . s:motion
+ execute s:mode . 'noremap <silent> ' . s:targetMapping .
+ \ ' :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion(''' . s:motion . ''',v:count1,''' . s:mode . ''')<CR>'
" To create a text motion, a mapping for operator-pending mode needs to be
" defined. This mapping should move the cursor according to the implemented
@@ -177,30 +164,13 @@ endfunction
" different behavior depending on whether visual mode has just been entered or
" whether text has already been selected.
" We deviate from that and always override the existing selection.
-function! s:CreateInnerMotionMappings()
- " Create mappings according to this template:
- " (* stands for the mode [ov], ? for the underlying motion [wbe].)
- "
- " *noremap <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_i? :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('?',v:count1)<CR>
- " if ! hasmapto('<Plug>CamelCaseInnerMotion_i?', '*')
- " *map <silent> i,? <Plug>CamelCaseInnerMotion_i?
- " endif
- for l:mode in ['o', 'v']
- for l:motion in ['w', 'b', 'e', 'ge']
- let l:targetMapping = '<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_i' . l:motion
- execute l:mode . 'noremap <silent> ' . l:targetMapping . ' :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion(''' . l:motion . ''',v:count1)<CR>'
- if ! hasmapto(l:targetMapping, l:mode)
- execute (l:mode ==# 'v' ? 'x' : l:mode) . 'map <silent> i<leader>' . l:motion . ' ' . l:targetMapping
- endif
- endfor
+for s:mode in ['o', 'v']
+ for s:motion in ['w', 'b', 'e', 'ge']
+ let s:targetMapping = '<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_i' . s:motion
+ execute s:mode . 'noremap <silent> ' . s:targetMapping .
+ \ ' :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion(''' . s:motion . ''',v:count1)<CR>'
-call s:CreateMotionMappings()
-call s:CreateInnerMotionMappings()
-delfunction s:CreateMotionMappings
-delfunction s:CreateInnerMotionMappings
" vim: set sts=2 sw=2 expandtab ff=unix fdm=syntax :