path: root/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/neomutt/neomuttrc')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc b/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76f48b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Unbind keys
+bind index,pager a noop
+bind index,pager d noop
+bind index,pager t noop
+bind index,pager \\ noop
+# "Global" keys
+bind attach,index,pager \CD next-page
+bind attach,index,pager \CU previous-page
+bind attach,index g first-entry
+bind attach,index G last-entry
+macro index,pager t "<modify-labels>"
+macro index,pager \\ "<vfolder-from-query>"
+# Sidebar
+set sidebar_visible=yes
+set sidebar_width=10
+bind index J sidebar-next
+bind index K sidebar-prev
+bind index <space> sidebar-open
+# Email addresses in use
+alternates -group personal p.spek@tyil.nl
+alternates -group personal p.spek@tyil.work
+alternates -group personal tyil@freedom.nl
+# Inbox
+set mbox_type=Maildir
+set folder="~/mail"
+set spoolfile=+/
+set sort=threads
+set index_format="%-60.60s %zc %-15.15L %g"
+set virtual_spoolfile=yes
+virtual-mailboxes \
+ "Inbox" "notmuch://?query=not tag:archive and not tag:trash"\
+ "Archive" "notmuch://?query=tag:archive"\
+ "Sent" "notmuch://?query=tag:sent"\
+ "Trash" "notmuch://?query=tag:trash"
+macro index a "<modify-labels>+archive -unread -inbox<enter>"
+macro index d "<modify-labels>+trash -unread -inbox<enter>"
+# Pager
+macro pager a "<modify-labels>+archive -unread -inbox<enter><next-entry>"
+macro pager d "<modify-labels>+trash -unread -inbox<enter><next-entry>"
+bind pager G bottom
+bind pager g top
+bind pager j next-line
+bind pager k previous-line
+# Composing
+set edit_headers=yes
+set signature="~/documents/email-signature.txt"
+set send_charset="utf-8"
+set from="p.spek@tyil.nl"
+set reverse_name=yes
+set crypt_autosign=yes
+set pgp_sign_as="0x031D65902E840821"
+set pgp_self_encrypt=yes
+set crypt_opportunistic_encrypt = yes
+# Sending mail
+set sendmail="/home/tyil/.local/bin/smtp-capture"
+set copy=no
+set record=""
+# PGP
+set pgp_decode_command="gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"
+set pgp_verify_command="gpg --status-fd=2 --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - --verify %s %f"
+set pgp_decrypt_command="gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"
+set pgp_sign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"
+set pgp_clearsign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"
+set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgpewrap gpg --batch --quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
+set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="pgpewrap gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
+set pgp_import_command="gpg --no-verbose --import %f"
+set pgp_export_command="gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"
+set pgp_verify_key_command="gpg --verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r"
+set pgp_list_pubring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --list-keys %r"
+set pgp_list_secring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --list-secret-keys %r"
+set pgp_good_sign="^\\[GNUPG:\\] GOODSIG"
+set pgp_check_gpg_decrypt_status_fd
+# "Theme"
+color index default default '.*'