path: root/lib/URL.pm6
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/URL.pm6')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/URL.pm6 b/lib/URL.pm6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57235b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/URL.pm6
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env false
+use v6.d;
+use URL::Grammar;
+use URL::Grammar::Actions;
+unit class URL;
+has Str $.scheme;
+has Str $.username;
+has Str $.password;
+has Str $.hostname;
+has Int $.port;
+has @.path;
+has %.query;
+has Str $.fragment;
+multi method new (
+ Str:D $url,
+) {
+ my %match = URL::Grammar.parse($url, actions => URL::Grammar::Actions).made;
+ die "'$url' failed to parse. Please report the URL you tried to p.spek+perl6@tyil.work." unless %match;
+ samewith(
+ |%match,
+ path => %match<path>.list
+ );
+multi method new (
+ Str :$scheme,
+ Str :$username,
+ Str :$password,
+ Str :$hostname,
+ Int :$port,
+ :@path = [],
+ :%query = {},
+ Str :$fragment,
+) {
+ self.bless(
+ :$scheme,
+ :$username,
+ :$password,
+ :$hostname,
+ :$port,
+ :@path,
+ :%query,
+ :$fragment,
+ );
+method Hash (
+ --> Hash
+) {
+ {
+ :$!scheme,
+ :$!username,
+ :$!password,
+ :$!hostname,
+ :$!port,
+ :@!path,
+ :%!query,
+ :$!fragment,
+ }
+multi method Str (
+ --> Str
+) {
+ my $s = $!scheme ~ "://";
+ $s ~= "{self.Str(:userinfo)}@" if $!username;
+ $s ~= $!hostname;
+ $s ~= ":$!port" if $!port;
+ $s ~= "/{self.Str(:path)}" if @!path;
+ $s ~= "?{self.Str(:query)}" if %!query;
+ $s ~= "#$!fragment" if $!fragment;
+ $s;
+multi method Str (
+ :$path! where { $_ },
+ --> Str
+) {
+ @!path.join("/");
+multi method Str (
+ :$query! where { $_ },
+ --> Str
+) {
+ %!query.keys.sort.map({ "$_={%!query{$_}}" }).join("&")
+multi method Str (
+ :$userinfo! where { $_ },
+ --> Str
+) {
+ return "$!username:$!password" if $!password;
+ $!username // "";
+=begin pod
+=AUTHOR Patrick Spek <p.spek@tyil.work>
+=VERSION 0.1.0
+=head1 Synopsis
+=head1 Description
+=head1 Examples
+=head1 See also
+=end pod
+# vim: ft=perl6 noet