path: root/playbooks.d/vpn-wireguard/share/peer
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2024-04-04Remove allowedIP additions from generated peersPatrick Spek1-1/+1
wg-quick tries to add routes for each of these blocks as well, which means there's overlap in the routing, which in turn breaks things again. I could not find a way to make wg-quick only _accept_ traffic through these IPs, without adding routes for them.
2024-04-03Allow IPs originating from k3sPatrick Spek1-1/+1
2024-03-13Add PersistentKeepalive to vpn-wireguardPatrick Spek1-0/+1
2024-03-07Fix vpn-wireguard issues introduced by making it dual-stackPatrick Spek1-1/+1
2024-01-04Update vpn-wireguard playbookPatrick Spek1-2/+2
2024-01-04Add playbook for setting up wireguardPatrick Spek1-0/+4